Biography of G Madhavan Nair | Know Biography

Biography of G. Madhavan Nair

Name: G. Madhavan Nair
Birth date: 31 October 1943 AU 76
Thikaana: Kulasekharam, Travancore
Occupation: Astronomer

Biography of G. Madhavan Nair

Early Biography of G. Madhavan Nair:

        G. Madhavan Nair was born on 31 October 1943 in Kulasekharam, Travancore Rajaya, now Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu, India. He completed his graduation from BSC Kerala University. After completing his engineering degree from Electronics and Communication Engineering, he attended an instructor program at Bhabha Atom Research Center BARC Training School, Mumbai after his studies.

Works of G. Madhavan Nair :

        G. Madhavan Nair was a former director of Indian Space Research Organization and secretary of the Intergovernmental Department, Government of India. He has also been the chairman of the Space Commission and the chairman of the governing body of Antrixa Corporation Bangalore. He was the Chairman of the Board of Governors of Indian Institute of Technology, Patna. Until he stepped down because of his involvement in a controversial deal related to the sale of the radio spectrum bandwath associated with Antrixa. Later he was barred from holding any government post.

        Nair is a prominent technology in the field of rocket systems. And it has contributed significantly in the development of multi-stage satellite launch, achieving self-sufficiency in independent access to space using indigenous technologies. Nair and his team have advanced their work to face many challenges in the technology denial process by adopting many innovations and novel technologies to realize world class launch vehicle systems.
        India today ranks among the leading countries in space in the field of launch vehicle technology. In particular, as the Project Director, he led the development of the PSLV, the satellite satellite launch vehicle, which has since become the primary site for launching Indian remote sensing satellites.

        Has served as the director of ISRO's largest research and development center Vikram Sarabhai Space Center. He played a central role in the design and development of cryogenic engines critical to GSLB. As the chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization, Nair has been entrusted with the responsibility of developing space technology and its application for national development.

        In the international arena, Nair has led the Indian delegation to bilateral cooperation and dialogue with several space agencies and countries. For the social economic benefit of India, space science and technology has been promoted. He is also the Adhyaksha of the governing body of Intrixa Corporation Bangalore.

        It did not become a National Remote Sensing Center. He was the chairman of the Astronautical Society of India in 2004. In 2006, he was also Vice-President of the Scientific Activities Committee of the International Academy of Astronautics. He is the only Indian and first non-American to come.

Awards and Honors to G. Madhavan Nair:

1) Awarded with National Aeronautical Award.
2) Awarded by FIE Foundation.
3) Awarded Shri Om Prakash Bhasin Award.
4) Awarded with Swadeshi Award.
5) Honored with Vikram Sarabhai Memorial Gold Medal.
6) Awarded Memorial Award in 2004.
7) HK Firodia Award in 2005.
8) MP Birla Memorial Award 2009 |
9) He also received gold medal from the Prime Minister in 94 Indian Science Congress in Chidambaram in 2007.
10) He received MN Chugani Award for 2006.