10 QA on periodic motion and S H M | Learn Physics

10 Question-Answer on periodic motion and S.H.M.

10 Question-Answer on periodic motion and S.H.M

1.       If in the equation y= 5 sin(0.05t + 0.05) , y represents the displacement at the instant t, then which one of the following gives the frequency?

(A)   5

(B)   0.05

(C)   0.05/2π

(D)   2π × 0.05

Ans: (C)

2.       The displacement of the particle is represented by y = 10 sin (5t + θ). The period of oscillation is:

(a)    2π/5s

(b)   5/2πs

(c)    π/5s

(d)   5/πs

Ans: (a)

3.       A body is executing S.H.M. When its displacement from the mean position is 4 cm and 5 cm, it has velocities 10 m/s and 8 cm/s respectively. Its periodic time t

(a)    π/2s

(b)   π s

(c)    3π/2 s

(d)   2πs

Ans: (b)

4.       A particle is simultaneously subjected to two collinear S.H.Ms. For the resultant amplitude to be maximum, the phase diff. between them should be:

(a)    Zero

(b)   π/2 s

(c)    π s

(d)   2π s

Ans: (a, d)

5.       A particle is acted simultaneously by two mutually perpendicular S.S.Ms;

X = a cos ωt and y = a sin ωt. The trajectory of motion of the particle will be:

(a)    An ellipse

(b)   A parabola

(c)    A circle

(d)   A hyperbola

6.       A particle is executing  S.H.M. when its acceleration increases, its time period

(a)    Decreases

(b)   Increases

(c)    Remains same

(d)   Becomes half

Ans: (c)

7.       A particle in S.H.M. Then the graph of velocity as a function of displacement is:

(a)    A straight line

(b)   A circle

(c)    An eclipse

(d)   A hyperbola

Ans: ( c)

8.       A particle is executing  S.H.M. along a straight line so that its period is 12 sec. the time it takes in traversing a distance equal to half its amplitude from its equilibrium is:

(a)    6 sec

(b)   4 sec

(c)    3 sec

(d)   1 sec

Ans:( d)

9.       A particle of mass 1 kg is moving in S.H.M. with an amplitude 0.02 m and a frequency of 60 Hz. The maximum force in Newton acting on the particle is:

(a)    188 π2

(b)   144 π2

(c)    288 π2

(d)   None of the above

Ans: ( c)

10.        The acceleration of a particle in S.H.M. is

(a)    Always constant

(b)   Maximum at extreme position

(c)    Maximum at equilibrium position

(d)   Always zero

Ans: (b)
