Example of oscillations | Learn Physics

Example of oscillations

Example: A thin rod of length L and area of cross-section S is pivoted at its lowest point P inside a stationary, homogeneous and non viscous liquid (fig.1). The rod is free to rotate in a vertical plane about a horizontal axis passing through P. The density d, of the material of the rod is smaller than the density d2 of the liquid. The rod is displaced by a small angle θ from its equilibrium position and then released. Show that the motion of the rod is simple harmonic and determine its angular frequency in terms of the given parameters.


Example of oscillations


When the rod is displaced slightly through an angle θ with the vertical Fig.2, the effective upward force acting at the middle point G of the rod is:

oscillations example

                               F= upward thrust – weight of rod

                               = weight of liquid displaced – weight of rod

                                  =LSd2g – LSd1g =LSg(d2-d1)

Moment of the couple (i.e. torque) tending to bring the rod to its original position is:


                            Torque = F × KG

                         =  LSg(d2-d1) ×L sinθ/2

                        = [Sg(d2-d1)L2/2] θ …………………………(i)

Θ is small


So torque is proportional to θ. As this torque is restoring one, hence if the rod is left free it will execute SHM. Compare (I)

     Torque = k θ, we have

Spring factor = Sg(d2-d1)L2/2


Here, inertia factor = moment of inertia of the rod about axis at P

                           = ML2/2+M(L/2)2 = ML2/3 =L3Sd1/3

                As angular frequency in S.H.M. is

                     ω= √(spring factor/inertia factor)=√[3g(d2-d1)/2Ld1]
