10 QA on simple pendulum | Learn Physics

10 Question-Answer on simple pendulum

10 Question-Answer on simple pendulum

1.       The work done by the string of a simple pendulum during one complete oscillation is equal to

(a)    Total energy of the pendulum

(b)   Kinetic energy of the pendulum

(c)    Potential energy of the pendulum

(d)   Zero

Ans: (d)

2.       For a simple pendulum the graph between g and T2 will be:

(a)    Hyperbola

(b)   Parabola

(c)    A curved line

(d)   A straight line.

Ans: (a)

3.       The graph between the length and the ( time period)2 of a simple pendulum is a:

(a)     Straight line

(b)   Circle

(c)    Parabola

(d)   Hyperbola

Ans: (a)

4.       A simple pendulum of a period T has a metal bob which is negatively charged. If it allowed to oscillate above a large positively charged metallic plate, its period:

(a)    Remains the same

(b)   Decreases

(c)    Increases

(d)   Nothing can be said definitely.

Ans: ( b)

5.       The length of a simple pendulum is increased by 45%. What is the percentage increase in its time period:

(a)    44%

(b)   √44%

(c)    10%

(d)   20%

Ans: (d)

6.       The value of g decreases by 0.1% on a mountain as compared to sea level. To record proper time here by means of a simple pendulum, its length must be:

(a)    Increased by 0.1%

(b)   Decreased by ).1%

(c)    Increased by 0.2%

(d)   Decreased by 0.2%

Ans: ( b)

7.       The time period of simple pendulum of length l at a place where acceleration due to gravity is g is T. What is the period of simple  pendulum of the length l at a place where acceleration due to gravity = 1.02 g

(a)    T

(b)   1.02 T

(c)    0.99 T

(d)   0.01 T

Ans :( c)

8.       The time period of a simple pendulum is measured as T in a stationary lift. If lift moves upwards with an acceleration of 5g, the period will be:

(a)    The same

(b)   Increased by 3/5 times

(c)    Decreased by 2/3 times

(d)   None of above

Ans: ( d)

9.       If a watch with wound spring is taken to the moon, it

(a)    Runs faster

(b)   Runs slower

(c)    Does not work

(d)   Shows no change

Ans : ( d)

10.   A simple pendulum attached to the roof of a lift has a time period of 2 s in a stationary lift. If the lift is allowed to fall freely the frequency of oscillations of pendulum will be:

(a)    Zero

(b)   2 Hz

(c)    0.5 Hz

(d)   Infinity

Ans: (a)
