National Agricultural Renewal Project Scheme | Main goals of National Agricultural Renewal Project

National Agricultural Renewal Project and National Agricultural Development Scheme

  • The Government of India entrusted the responsibility of implementing it to the Indian Agricultural Research (ICAR), Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture, launched in September 2006.
  • The scheme has resulted in positive changes in organizational efficiency, efficiency, agricultural value chain, livelihood security in non-profit sectors, capacity building and basic and policy research.
  • The objective of this project is to increase the income of the farmers and to make the increase in the income of the farmers the parameter of agricultural development.

National Agricultural Renewal Project Scheme

National agricultural development scheme

  • The scheme was introduced in the Eleventh Five Year Plan with an amount of Rs 25,000 crore to encourage states to increase public investment in agriculture.
  • Under this scheme, 50% of the central assistance has been linked to the percentage of state plan expenditure on agriculture and allied sectors, along with it has been combined with MGNREGA.
  • The goal of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana is to achieve 4% annual growth in the agriculture sector during the 11th plan period while ensuring holistic development of agriculture and allied sectors.

Main goals of National Agricultural Renewal Project

  • encouraging states to increase public investment in agriculture and allied sectors,
  • To provide flexibility and autonomy to the states in the process of planning and execution of agricultural and allied sector plans,
  • Ensuring the preparation of agricultural plans for districts and states based on agro-climatic conditions, technology and availability of natural resources,
  • To ensure that the local needs/crops/priorities are better reflected in the agricultural plans of the states,
  • To achieve the target of bridging the yield gap in important crops through nuclear interventions,
  • Maximizing the income of farmers in agriculture and allied sectors, and
  • To bring about quantitative change in the production and productivity of various components of agriculture and allied sectors by addressing them in a holistic manner.
India Food Corporation | Food security

Major areas under National Agriculture Development Scheme

  • Integrated development of major food crops like wheat, paddy, coarse cereals, small millets, pulses, oilseeds,
  • agricultural mechanization,
  • Activities related to promotion of soil health,
  • Development of rainfed farming systems inside and outside watershed areas as well as integrated development of stream areas, barren lands, river valleys,
  • Assistance to state seed farms,
  • Integrated Pest Management Plans,
  • promotion of non-farm activities,
  • Market infrastructure strengthening and market development,
  • Strengthening of infrastructure for promotion of extension services,
  • Activities related to promotion of horticulture production and popularization of micro irrigation systems,
  • animal husbandry and fisheries development activities,
  • Special schemes for the beneficiaries of land reforms,
  • To introduce the concept of completion of projects,
  • Grants-in-aid to state government institutions promoting agriculture/horticulture,
  • farmers study tour,
  • organic and bio-fertilizers and
  • Innovative Schemes.

Budget acceptance for National Agricultural Renewal Project

  • 25 thousand crore has been sanctioned for this scheme during the 11th five year plan period.
  • Inclusion of sericulture and allied activities in the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
  • In order to be eligible for funding under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), the government has decided to include sericulture and allied activities under RKVY.
  • This would include sericulture up to the production stage of silkworm as well as the extension system from production of silkworm in agricultural enterprise and production of silk thread to marketing.
  • Now RKVY can be availed for improving sericulture extension system, improving soil health, developing rain fed sericulture and integrated pest management.
  • The benefits will be for silkworm seed improvement and mechanization of the field. This decision will help in the development of market infrastructure and boost seri enterprise.
  • Projects can be taken up for non-agricultural activities and maximum benefits can be given to the sericulture farmer by sanctioning special schemes to the beneficiaries of land reforms like marginal and small farmers etc.
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