Magnetism based on atomic model | Explanation of paramagnetism

Explain the Para magnetism based on atomic model

Explain the origin of paramagnetism based on atomic model?

What is the reason for the origin of polarization? What is the effect of magnetic field on them?

What is the difference in the behavior of external magnetic fields and external magnetic fields of ferromagnetic materials?

Explain iron magnetism based on atomic model of magnetism/?


1. Explanation of paramagnetism

a) Paramagnetism Cause of origin

The properties of magnetism per se are found in those substances whose atoms or atoms have the same number of electrons and 2–2 electrons together form a pair in which one electron rotates in the opposite direction to another electron, hence the war The electrons cancel each other's magnetic moment, thus the net magnetic moment of the atoms of the electromagnetic material is zero.

b) External magnetic field effect

When the electromagnetic materials are placed in an external magnet field, the magnetic field increases the velocity of one electron of the electron pair while the velocity of the other electron decreases. Now the electrons of the electron pair do not cancel each other's magnetic moment. Pate means that the magnetic moment is induced in the atom, whose direction is opposite to the direction of external magnetic field, so matter becomes magnetic in the opposite direction of external magnetic field.

2. Anu Magnetism Explained

a) Anu Magnetism Reason of origin

The property of anu magnetism is found in materials whose atoms or peaks have some electrons that rotate in only one direction, so their atoms have a permanent magnetic moment and behave like a small bar magnet. Atoms do magnets. All atoms in normal state are magnetized and regularly oriented, the atomic magnetic moment of the entire substance remains zero.

b) External magnetic field effect

By placing these materials in an external magnetic field, each atomic magnet acts on a force-moment that attempts to align all the atomic magnets in the direction of the external magnetic field when all the atomic magnets of the material align in the direction of the magnetic field. When we go, the whole material receives a magnetic moment, that is, the material is magnetized in the direction of external magnetic field.

3. Iron magnetism explanation (Domine theory)

a)  Iron magnetism Reason of origin

Each atom of ferromagnetic material is a magnet that has some permanent magnetic moment, but the atoms of ferromagnetic materials have some complex interactions that cause innumerable superfine-shaped magnetic fields of atoms within the substance to form domes. It is said that each domain consists of atoms from 10 17 to 10 11 and their magnetic axes align in the same direction. Each domain behaves like an intense magnet in the absence of external magnetic field, but all domains in the absence of external magnetic field. Are configured in such a way that their resulting magnetic moment is zero.

b) External magnetic field effect

When magnetic materials are placed in an external magnetic field, the resulting magnetic moment of these materials is not zero, but the resulting magnetic moment can increase the following two types:

i) By displacement of dominoes

According to this theory, the domains which are oriented to the external magnetic field increase in size. In contrast, the domains that are oriented against the external magnetic field become smaller in size.

ii) By domain moment

According to this theory, when the material is placed in an external magnetic field, the domains start rotating in such a way that the magnetic moment of all domains is almost in the external magnetic field. When the external magnetic field is strong, the magnetization of iron magnetic materials usually Done by rotation of domains
