Cathode ray vibrator use | Cathode ray vibrator principle

Draw a nominated picture of the cathode ray vibrator and explain its operation. What is its use?
Draw a nominated picture of the cathode ray company recruitment. By applying the time base difference between the plates up to 16, in which direction the electron key is deflected. Write any two uses of the vibrator?

Cathode ray vibrator

The cathode ray vibration is a device based on the properties of earth electrons, with the help of which electric oscillations are seen on the screen.

Cathode ray vibrator principle

The principle of showing this rigid beam vibration depends on the following two things:
1. The cathode rays are deflected into magnetic and electric fields.
2. When the cathode worms fall on the screen per person, the lamp produces fluorescence.

Design of cathode ray vibrator

A number of cathode ray vibrations is a carnally in which 10 to the power minus 6 mm a vacuum is generated by consisting of the main 3 parts 1) Electron Gun 2)  Deflector part 3)Fluorescence seal curtain.

1) Electron Gun

Towards the thin end of this tube Consists cathode K. Which has a system f inside it. When the cathode is heated indirectly by sending an electric current to the filaments, electrons are released from it, the cathode is surrounded by a cylinder with a hole called the controller grid, placing the grid at a relative voltage relative to the cathode. The electrons passing through it become concentrated as a thin beam beam due to repulsion.

At some distance in front of the grid G is a cylindrical electrode with a fine hole in the middle. It is called an anode. The anode potential is kept about 1000 volts high relative to the cathode. Due to the high voltage, the electron beam receives a fast velocity. Does and the beam passes through how many holes it has made.

This anode is accelerated by the anode. There is another anode in front of the anode, which holds the effect in such a way that the electron beam is focused on the right screen. Electrons gun the part from the cathode to the anode.

Cathode ray vibrator use

2) Separable part

There are two pairs of parallel metal plates in front of the electron gun. One pair of plates is in the base of the plate. They are plated. The plates of the other pairs are in the horizontal plane. These are called horizontal plates. Electric field is generated by splitting between the middle current source. On applying electric field between the plates, the electron beam is dispersed in the horizontal direction while on applying electric field between the fields the electron beam beam is injected in the vertical direction.

3) Fluorescent curtain

Zinc sulphide is coated on the wide part of the tube, it acts as a curtain when the electron is incident on it, it produces fluorescence.

Working method of Cathode ray vibrator

The unknown reflection voltage that is to be seen in the wave form is placed between the plates containing the electric field generated by this unknown department. The vertical bright line appears. Let us apply a special alternating voltage between the plates. This voltage is the base. Due to such a voltage, the light point repeatedly moves from one side to the other in the horizontal direction and again very rapidly in its initial Returns to the position, thus a horizontal line is obtained on the screen, which is called the time line. Thus the light point moves up and down due to the unknown reflected potential and also moves in the horizontal direction, hence the unknown on the screen. The wave form of the voltage is clearly visible.

Cathode vibrator principle

Cathode ray vibrator use

1. Through Cathode ray vibrator, an unknown alternating department can be seen on the screen in wave form.

2. Cathode ray vibrator device is used to study heart beats.

3. This equipment is used in radar and television.

4. Cathode ray vibrator is used to detect faults of radio subscribers.
