Definition of Uniform Circular Motion | Angular linear velocity and Angular replacement in Circular Motion

Definition of Uniform Circular Motion

When a scandal moves a certain point around the center with a fixed speed as its center, its speed is called the uniform circular motion. This is also an example of flat motion if the speed is under such acceleration that results in good But the direction changes constantly.

Definition of Angular replacement in Circular Motion 

When a scandal moves on the circumference of a circle, then the radius of the moment at which the person rotates relative to the initial position is called the angular displacement of the moment.

Definition of Angular velocity in Circular Motion 

When a particle moves along the circumference of a circle, its angular displacement changes over time, the rate of change of angular displacement in the speed of a circle over time is called their angular velocity.

Definition of Linear velocity in Circular Motion 

When someone who does a linear motion, his or her linear displacement changes over time. The change rate over time of displacement is called their linear velocity.
