10 QA on gravitational intensity | Learn Physics

 10 Question-Answer on gravitational intensity

10 Question-Answer on gravitational intensity

1.       Gravitational intensity at a place is given by:

(a)    G

(b)   g

(c)    mg

(d)   none of the above

Ans: ( b)

2.       Units  of gravitational intensity are

(a)    Ms-2

(b)   N kg-1

(c)    Kg  ms-1

(d)   Kg ms-2

Ans: (a,b)

3.        intensity of gravitational field on earth is maximum at

(a)    Poles

(b)   Equator

(c)    Centre of earth

(d)   Same every where

Ans: (a)

4.       If earth were a hollow sphere, what would be gravitational field intensity at any point inside the earth?

(a)    9.8 m/s2

(b)   >9.8 m/s2

(c)    <9.8 m/s2

(d)   Zero

Ans: (d)

5.       A mass m is placed at a point B in the gravitational field of mass M. When the mass m is brought from B to near point A, its gravitational potential energy will

(a)    Remain unchanged

(b)   Increase

(c)    Decrease

(d)   Become zero

Ans: ( c)

6.       If g is the acceleration due to gravity on the earth’s surface, the gain in potential energy of the earth at a height equal to three times the radius R of the earth will be:

(a)    mg R

(b)   mg R/2

(c)    mg R/3

(d)   3 mgR/4

Ans: (d)

7.       The gravitational intensity at any point due to earth inside the earth is :

(a)    Same at the surface

(b)   Increase as we go down

(c)    Same as at the centre of earth

(d)   Decreases as we go down

Ans: (d)

8.       There are two bodies of masses 100,000 kg and 1000 kg separated by a distance of 1m. At what distance from the smaller body, the intensity of gravitational field will be zero:

(a)    m/9

(b)   m/10

(c)    m/11

(d)   10m/11

Ans: (c)

9.       In a gravitational field, if a body is bound, then total energy has:

(a)    Positive value

(b)   Negative value

(c)    Zero value

(d)   KE < PE

Ans: (b)

10.   At what height from the surface of the earth, the total energy of a the satellite is equal to its potential energy at a height of 2R from the surface of earth (R = radius of earth)

(a)    R/4

(b)   R/2

(c)    2R

(d)   4R

                               Ans: ( b)