Biography of Eldridge Cleaver | Early Life - Criminal Record and Incarceration - Role in the Black Panther Party - Return to the United States and Death of Eldridge Cleaver

Biography of Eldridge Cleaver:

Eldridge Cleaver (1935–1998) was an American writer, political activist, and prominent figure in the Black Panther Party, a revolutionary organization advocating for civil rights and self-defense for African Americans. 

Here is a brief biography of Eldridge Cleaver:

Early Life:

Birth: Leroy Eldridge Cleaver was born on August 31, 1935, in Wabbaseka, Arkansas.
Family Background: Cleaver grew up in a troubled family environment, experiencing poverty and racial discrimination.

Early Life - Criminal Record and Incarceration - Role in the Black Panther Party - Return to the United States and Death of Eldridge Cleaver
Biography of Eldridge Cleaver

Eldridge Cleaver's Criminal Record and Incarceration:

Juvenile Offenses: Cleaver began a life of crime at an early age, engaging in various delinquent activities.
Imprisonment: He was arrested several times for various offenses, including drug possession and assault.
Folsom Prison: Cleaver spent a significant portion of his early adulthood in and out of prison, including a stint at Folsom State Prison in California.

Conversion to Black Nationalism:

Reading and Education: While in prison, Cleaver engaged in self-education, reading extensively on philosophy, history, and political theory.
Black Nationalism: Cleaver embraced the ideology of Black Nationalism and became influenced by the teachings of Malcolm X.

Eldridge Cleaver's Role in the Black Panther Party:

Release from Prison: Cleaver was released from prison in 1966 and became involved with the Black Panther Party, which was founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale.
Minister of Information: Cleaver served as the Minister of Information for the Black Panther Party and was responsible for the party's communications and propaganda.
Authorship: He wrote influential essays, including "Soul on Ice" (1968), which became a key text in the Black Power movement.

Exile and Political Activism:

Exile in Algeria: Cleaver faced legal issues and went into exile in Algeria in 1969.
International Relations: While in exile, Cleaver engaged in international political activities, including establishing relations with various revolutionary movements.

Return to the United States:

Return: Cleaver returned to the United States in 1975 after reaching a plea agreement.
Later Life: In the following years, Cleaver distanced himself from the radical activism of his earlier years and engaged in religious and conservative political activities.

Death of Eldridge Cleaver:

Passing: Eldridge Cleaver died on May 1, 1998, in Pomona, California, at the age of 62.

Eldridge Cleaver's life was marked by a complex journey, from criminal activities and imprisonment to political activism and influential writings. He played a significant role in the Black Panther Party's early years and contributed to the discourse on race, power, and resistance during a tumultuous period in American history.