Biography of Aurobindo Ghose | Early Life and Education - Political Career and Nationalism - Writings and Philosophy - Passing and Legacy of Aurobindo Ghose

Biography of Aurobindo Ghose

Sri Aurobindo Ghose, commonly known as Sri Aurobindo, was a renowned philosopher, poet, yogi, and spiritual leader from India. He played a significant role in the Indian independence movement and later became a prominent spiritual teacher and philosopher. Here is a detailed biography of his life:

Biography of Aurobindo Ghose
Biography of Aurobindo Ghose

Early Life and Education of Aurobindo Ghose:

Sri Aurobindo was born on August 15, 1872, in Calcutta, British India (now Kolkata, India). He was sent to England for his education and attended St. Paul's School and King's College, Cambridge. He excelled academically and was known for his mastery of various languages, including Greek, Latin, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

Political Career and Nationalism:

After returning to India, Aurobindo joined the Indian National Congress and became actively involved in the freedom struggle against British colonial rule. He advocated for complete independence and played a crucial role in the Swadeshi Movement and the Bengal Partition protest in 1905. However, he later withdrew from active politics to focus on spiritual pursuits.

Spiritual Awakening and Yoga of Aurobindo Ghose:

In 1908, Aurobindo experienced a profound spiritual awakening. He withdrew to Pondicherry (now Puducherry), a French colony in India, and devoted himself entirely to spiritual practices, meditation, and the study of ancient Indian scriptures. He practiced integral yoga, a spiritual path that seeks the union of the individual soul with the divine consciousness.

Founding the Sri Aurobindo Ashram:

In 1926, Aurobindo founded the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, which became a spiritual and philosophical center attracting seekers from around the world. He continued his writings, giving discourses, and guiding disciples in their spiritual journey. The ashram's principles emphasized the development of the physical, vital, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual.

Aurobindo Ghose's Writings and Philosophy:

Sri Aurobindo was a prolific writer and poet. His major works include "The Life Divine," "Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol," and various essays on philosophy, yoga, and spirituality. His philosophy revolved around the evolution of consciousness and the eventual spiritual transformation of humanity.

Passing and Legacy:

Sri Aurobindo passed away on December 5, 1950. After his passing, his spiritual collaborator, Mirra Alfassa, known as The Mother, continued his work at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

Sri Aurobindo's teachings and writings have had a profound impact on spiritual seekers and scholars worldwide. His philosophy of integral yoga and his emphasis on spiritual evolution continue to inspire people on their spiritual journeys. The Sri Aurobindo Ashram remains a center for spiritual exploration, education, and cultural activities, attracting visitors and disciples from all over the globe.