Biography of Vijay Singh Pathik | An Indian revolutionary - Freedom fighter - well-known Hindi poet - Writings of Vijay Singh Pathik

Biography of Vijay Singh Pathik:

Vijay Singh Pathik was an Indian revolutionary who fought for India’s independence from British rule. He was born on February 27, 1882, in Guthawali village, Bulandshahr district, Uttar Pradesh, India, and passed away on May 28, 1954, in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Pathik was a freedom fighter who lit the torch of the freedom movement against British rule. He was among the first Indian revolutionaries who did so, much before Mohandas K. Gandhi initiated the Satyagrah movement. Pathik experimented during the Bijolia’s Kisan agitation and was jailed for having led the Kisan agitation in Bijoliya and kept at a special jail created in the Tehsil building of Todgarh.

An Indian revolutionary - Freedom fighter - well-known Hindi poet -  Writings of Vijay Singh Pathik
Biography of Vijay Singh Pathik

Pathik was also a well-known Hindi poet, writer, and journalist. He was the editor of Rajasthan Kesari and Naveen Rajasthan. He also started his own independent Hindi weekly, the Rajasthan Sandesh and the Nav Sandesh from Ajmer. He expressed his views through Tarun Rajasthan, Hindi weekly too. He popularly had known as Rashtriya Pathik. As a writer, he made an impact through some of his well-known books - Ajay Meru (novel), Pathik Pramod (collection of stories), Pathikji ke Jail ke Patra, Pathik ki Kavitaon Ka Sangrah, etc