Sunspots | my experiences


The most visible activity in solar photosphere is the solar panacea. Solar water is the area of the sun, where the magnetic field is very powerful and the temperature is low. The temperature of any solar product can be 3800 K, which is less than 2000K from the surrounding photosphere temperature. This is the reason that the solar blur of the brightest photosphere looks like a dark spot in the background.

First inspection of Sunspots

Gallei Galileo, in 1610, first saw solar collector with its new discovery telescope. At the end of the eighteenth century and beginning of the nineteenth century, astrophysicists considered these to be hole. They believed that solar panels are such a window through which the internal structure of the Sun can be seen. Now we know that this was all strange imagination. But at that time it was easy to believe in such fantasies.

Solar water starts approximately 1,000 km in diameter area. Its size and shape gradually varies with its extension. There is two distinct parts of a fully adult solar stigma. These parts are internal dark parts (umbra) and outer light color pen (penumbra).

Solar stigma is the realm of concentrated magnetic flux in reality. It is usually produced in combination with opposite magnetic poles. It is worth noting that the number of solar panels changes according to the solar cycle of 11.2 years.

The solar cycle is the period of solar activity. During this period the Sun's magnetic pole changes. At the peak of this cycle, there is a magnetic storm on the sun. At this time, it produces solar panels and solar flares, which keeps on releasing the stream of plasma towards the Earth. Weather forecasters and GPS system damage the solar system with solar storms. At the same time, the radio, communication system and the aircraft carrier flying from the Dhruvo are also affected.

Solar Prominence

During the solar eclipse, the pictures taken from the sun can be seen from the chromosphere rising to the corona. It is a red flame-shaped ring in the form of a plasma that is called a solar flame. It is one of the important activities in the ongoing activities of the sun. Solar flame is the brightly colored structure that extends from the surface of the large orange sun and reaches the halo. The solar flame normally lasts for several days. Stable solar flames can remain in the halo for months. Solar flames go back thousands of kilometers into space and turn the sun back into the surface of the sun, their height is also multiplied by the diameter of the Earth.
Solar Prominence
Solar Prominence
The interior of the sun creates dynamo magnetic fields. Plasma of solar flames makes the ring due to turning in the magnetic line. This plasma is mainly electrically charged hydrogen and helium. The explosion in these solar flames is due to the volatility of the magnetic field. Then this blast pushes the plasma out of space in the outer space.

Solar Wind

We all know that the sun emits electromagnetic radiation in all wavelengths. Earlier we have discussed that in the zenith of the solar cycle, the Sun also streams of very fast motion plasma particles flows towards the Earth, which is called solar wind. The main constituents of solar wind are electrons and protons. Properties of this airway are constantly changing. According to the origin of air on the Sun, changes in it also occur. Its speed is higher on the coronal holes, its speed is 800 km / second on these spheres.

These energetic grains continue to rain on our earth. Earth & # 39; s magnetic field prevents solar wind from reaching Earth's surface. This magnetic field turns these particles towards the polar regions. Due to these charged particles, beautiful polar flame, or Auroras, are formed on the Dhruvo. The place where the earth's magnetic field collides with these charged particles becomes a bow-shaped bow at the site.

Author's message

We can understand the fundamental laws of physics by observing nature. It is an interesting fact that new insights can be developed for the benefit of human beings by observing nature. Studying solar flames is also an example. The circular shape of the solar flames showed the presence of the sun's strong magnetic lines. On the basis of which Nucleus physics scientists are trying to keep plasma confined with magnetic field lines that make ring in fusion reactors. If this experiment is successful, then humans will have the source of pollution-free infinite energy and the beginning of a new era of nucleus energy!