Solar Neutrino Problem | my experiences

Solar Neutrino Problem

Before moving forward with solar physics, we will discuss an interesting problem of astrophysics, which we know as the solar neutrino problem (THE SOLAR NEUTRINO PROBLEM). To solve this problem in 2015, Professor Arthur B. McDonald and Professor Taakaki Kajita received the Nobel Prize. The purpose of this article to include in this series is to show how 'particle physics' is important in astrophysics. . In the fifteenth article of 'Basic Basics of Astrophysics' series, we will discuss neutrino and see how they are related to the sun. First of all, see what the Solar Neutrinos Problems (SOLAR NEUTRINO PROBLEM) is and what is the solution?
Solar Neutrino Problem
Solar Neutrino Problem

What is neutrinos?

Neutrino is one of the basic particles of matter. There is no charge in these particles. Earlier it was believed that they do not even have mass but they have minimal but mass. Neutrinos react very weakly with the substance, which is very difficult to detect them. The response from these particles to the substance is so weak that when you are reading this article, then your body will have crossed the nucleus and you will not even know it. There are three types of neutrinos, Electron neutrino, Muon neutrino and Tau neutrino. These types are called flavors of neutrino.


The sun is mainly hydrogen gas. According to the standard solar modem, the temperature of the Sun's nucleus is 150 million Kelvin. The main reactions at this temperature are proton-proton chain reactions. The picture shown below is showing these actions.

You can easily see the second phase of the reaction in this picture, in which there are two particles represented in red color which are neutrino. Sun makes electron neutrinos only. It is believed that in the Sun the countercondition of 1.8 × 1038 (180 trillion trillion) is made of neutrino. In which 400 trillion natrinos cross our body every second on Earth. The energy of these neutrinos is so low that they can not be caught or checked. So how do we see or check these?
Neutrinos with more energy are rare. Their frequency of recovery is 2 in p00 p-p. To test these two particles, we need a character full of giant fluid. In these huge characters, neutrinos can be seen / tested by the Cerenkov detectors. This device is sensory only for electrons-neutrinos, but this detector only looks for half the nutrarunos that are formed in the sun. Where did the rest of the neutrinos go?

This question put the physical scientists in astonishment. The particle physicists were raising questions on this 'Solar Model', according to them the solar model is not complete, there should be something else in it. Perhaps the rate of production of theoretical total neutrinos proposed by Solar Physics scientists is incorrect. But the solar physicists were adamant that this model is correct and through it every aspect of the activities of the sun is successfully interpreted.

Solving the Missing Solar Neutrino Problem

Two neutrinos detectors played a major role in solving this problem, one of which was the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory of Canada (SNO) and the other was Super-Kamiokande Detector of Japan. In SNO, exploration of neutrino from the Sun, Earth and Supernova is done.

Serenkov radiation (Cherenkov radiation, Chernakov radiation, or Vavilov-Serencov radiation) is an electromagnetic radiation that occurs when a charged particle (mainly electron) moves in a para-electrode-medium in that medium at a higher speed than the phase velocity of light. The distinctive blue glow emanating from the nuclear reactor located within the water is due to Serenokov radiation. It is named after the Soviet Union scientist and Nobel laureate Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov of 1958, who first discovered it (experimental). The theoretical interpretation of this effect evolved later, based on the principles of Einstein's special relativity. The theological prelude to the existence of Serenkov radiation was given by Oliver Haviside in 1988-89.

When an incoming neutrinos creates electrons or muanges in the water, this electron will produce Serenkov radiation at its own pace, the intensity of this radiation occurs in the ratio of the energy of the neutrino. Using this fact, scientists calculate the energy of the incoming neutrinos.

Neutrino Oscillations

Scientists working on the super-kamiokondi detector did a revolutionary discovery related to the properties of neutrino. They conducted experimental inspection of neutrinos oscillation. Neutrinos oscillation occurs when the neutrinos of a flavor are converted into nitrins of the second flavor. The mass of the neutrinos is very low ie 0.05-0.1 eV / c2. Due to such a low mass, neutrinos react with mass. A typical neutrinos may occur in the form of electrons-neutrinos, but they can turn into mew-neutrinos or tow-neutrinos, in addition to this, the opposite is also possible.

The subdivision team compared their electron-neutrino flux to the total neutrino flow flux measured by the super-camiokanda. Compared to both of these values, the physicists of SNO and super-kamiokonde calculate the actual solar neutrino flow. This value was consistent with the energy produced by the solar model on the sun. This meant that absent neutrinos actually changed their flavors from electrons-neutrinos to mueyun-neutrinos. For this reason they had escaped from these detectors.

Author's message

The writer has met with Tagi Kazi in the 66th Lindau Meeting, which will be held between the student and Nobel laureates. His lecture was focused on neutrinos oscillation. This lecture only raises the interest of the author, in the interesting activities of neutrinos oscillation. The writer was impressed by the calm image and dedication of Pro Takaki Kaziita. After talks with the professor, the writer realized how big a super-Kamio-random detector was. The super-comicound detector, a giant team of scientists, is dedicated to this task. The author studied at his doctoral research work on fluctuations arising out of neutrinosomes in neutrinosomes with other activities in Plasma Physics, which is the result of extremely relative degenerate plasma such as red Mahanavan Tara (Beetleguage).