Biography of Alluri Sitarama Raju | my experiences

Biography of Alluri Sitarama Raju

Biography of Alluri Sitarama Raju
Biography of Alluri Sitarama Raju
Alluri Sitarama Raju was born on July 4, 1897 in Pandit village of Visakhapatnam district. His father, Allurai Venkata Ramraaju, gave birth to a revolutionary ritual by telling Sitaram Raju that since childhood, the British have enslaved us and they are plundering our country. Sitaram Raju's father went home to talk about this thing.

Briyadaura's name also appears in Raju's revolutionary companions, who had their own separate forestry organization. This organization had fought against the British. The British hanged Bireyadaura, but by then, Sitaram Raju's organization had become very powerful. The police was trembling with Raju. He openly challenged British power One of the reasons for Sitaram Raju's struggle and the success of the revolution was that the forest dwellers did not know to betray their leader and betray them. None of the ordinary people became informers or traitors.

Vanvasi freedom is dear, they can not be arrested in any binding or under succession, that is why they were the first to continue their struggle against the foreign invaders and the oppressors from the forest until independence of the country. Today, we can say that the scheme of independence started from the jungles of forests. This nature is a son, that is why the forests awakened from the forest itself. Such nature lovers are a long series of forest revolutionaries. There were many scenarios and many were anonymous. Who lived his life in the struggle for independence. Such great revolutionary, Allurai Sitaram Raju, was born on 4th July 1897 in Panditik village of Visakhapatnam district.

Revolutionary, Veer Raju also studied medicine and astrology as a personal interest along with schooling, and studied it in his practical practice. Because of this, when he started organizing forestry society against the British in youth, knowledge of these methods provided unprecedented support to him. Raju was raised in the family of his uncle Allurari Ramkrishna. His father, Allurai Venkata Ramaraju, lived in Godavari's Maggul village. In the childhood, he gave a revolutionary ritual by telling Sitaram Raju that the British only made us slaves, who are looting the country. With the learning of these words, the father was left with the help of these words, but the seed of the path of perpetuity had begun. In the youth, the forests started to organize against the exploitation of the British, which was started by providing treatment to the forest dwellers and future information.

Gandhi's ideas were influenced by him in 1920 and he advised the tribals to quit drinking and resolve their dispute panchayats, but when in one year Gandhiji's dream of Swarajya did not come true, then Raju (Alluri Sitarama Raju) of his adherents tribals With the help, armed struggle against the British started an attempt to establish an independent power. Initially, his main purpose was to attack the police station and snatch the weapon from there to enable the armed rebellion to be carried forward. From 22nd August, 1922 to May 1924 Raju's team captured the tens of police stations and took possession of the arms.

Police had to run away defeating every time their organized power. Until the situation came, the government stopped keeping arms in the police stations. Police were called from Malwar but that too could not stand in front of Raju's forces. In the end, the army was called. He first caught Raju's key colleagues and finally on 7 May 1924, Alluri Sitarama Raju came in his grip. He also tried to escape from the army's grip and was shot in this. Thus, this brave warrior who had slept of British rule for almost two years.

Monastic life of Alluri Sitarama Raju

After coming back from his pilgrimage, after making an ashram in Sitaram Raju Krishna Devipet, he started taking meditation and meditation. He had decided to live a Sanyasi life. For the second time, his pilgrimage was towards Nasik, which he had completed on foot. This was the time when 'Non-Cooperation Movement' was going on throughout India. Even in Andhra Pradesh, this movement reached its peak. In order to speed up the movement, Sitaram Raju established panchayats and initiated the settlement of local disputes among themselves. Sitaram Raju threw out fear of British rule with the mind of the people and inspired him to participate in 'Non-Cooperation Movement'

Revolutionary activities of Alluri Sitarama Raju

After some time, Sitaram Raju abandoned Gandhiji's ideas and established a military organization. He made the entire Ramppa area a center of revolutionary movement. The mountainous area of ​​Malabar was favorable for the guerrilla war. Apart from this, they were also getting full support from the regional people. People who were waiting for the movement for the movement were with them. That is why, for speeding movement, Gama Mallu Dore and Gama Gautam Dore Banduo were made Lieutenant in Gudem. They needed a modern weapon to speed up the movement. Taking a bow and arrow in front of British soldiers was not easy. Sitaram Raju understood this thing very well. This was the reason that they started pausing. By buying weapons from the money they received, they started attacking police stations. On August 22, 1922, he did the first attack at Chintapalli. Plunder the arms with its 300 soldiers.