Biography of Vallabhacharya | Early Life - Education - Spiritual Journey - Establishment of the Pushti Marg - Teachings and Philosophy - Legacy and Passing of Vallabhacharya

Biography of Vallabhacharya:

Vallabhacharya Mahaprabhu (1479–1531 CE), also known as Vallabha, Mahaprabhuji and Vishnuswami, was an Indian saint and philosopher. He founded the Krishna-centered Pushtimarg sect of Vaishnavism in the Braj (Vraja) region of India. Vallabhacharya was born in a Telugu Tailang Brahmin family that was residing in Varanasi. They escaped to Champaran of Chhattisgarh state while expecting a Muslim invasion in Varanasi during the late 15th century. Vallabhacharya studied the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, and Shaddarshana as a child, and then traveled throughout the Indian subcontinent for over 20 years. He became one of the important leaders of the devotional Bhakti movement. He won many philosophical scholarly debates against followers of Adi Shankara, Ramanuja, Madhvacharya, and others. Vallabhacharya rejected asceticism and monastic life, suggesting that through loving devotion to the deity Krishna, any householder could achieve salvation – an idea that became influential all over India, held by his 84 Baithakjis (places of worship) in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Uttaranchal, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Goa, Sindh, and various other parts of the Indian subcontinent. He authored many texts including but not limited to, the Anubhashya colloquially also called Brahmasutranubhashya (his commentary on Brahma Sutra), Shodash Granth or sixteen ‘stotras’ (tracts) and several commentaries on the Bhagavata Purana. Vallabhacharya’s writings and kirtan compositions focus on baby Krishna and his childhood pranks with Yashoda (unconditional motherly love), as well as a youthful Krishna’s protection of the good (divine grace) and his victory over demons and evils, all with allegory and symbolism. His legacy is best preserved with the acharyas of his Pushtimarg Vallabh Sampradaya, also in the Braj region, and particularly at Nathdwara and Dwarkadhish Temple in Mewar region of India – are important Krishna pilgrimage centers.

Early Life - Education - Spiritual Journey - Establishment of the Pushti Marg - Teachings and Philosophy - Legacy and Passing of Vallabhacharya
Biography of Vallabhacharya

Here is a brief biography of Vallabhacharya:

Early Life:

Vallabhacharya was born in 1479 in Champaranya, near Raipur in present-day Chhattisgarh, India.
His parents were Lakshmana Bhatta and Illamagaru.


Vallabhacharya received his early education in Sanskrit and Hindu scriptures.
He became well-versed in the Vedas, Upanishads, and other philosophical texts.

Spiritual Journey of Vallabhacharya:

Vallabhacharya started his spiritual journey at a young age, seeking deeper insights into Hindu philosophy and spirituality.
He traveled to various pilgrimage sites and engaged in religious discussions with scholars.

Encounter with Guru:

Legend has it that Vallabhacharya met a saint named Trivikrama Panditacharya in Varanasi, who became his guru.
Trivikrama Panditacharya initiated Vallabhacharya into the Pushti Marg (Path of Grace) tradition.

Establishment of the Pushti Marg:

Vallabhacharya established the Pushti Marg, a devotional tradition within the broader Bhakti movement.
The Pushti Marg emphasizes the path of loving devotion (bhakti) to Lord Krishna and places special emphasis on the grace (pushti) of the divine.

Teachings and Philosophy:

Vallabhacharya's philosophy is centered around the concept of "Shuddhadvaita" or "pure non-dualism."
According to him, the individual soul (atman) is eternally related to God (Brahman) and can attain liberation through pure devotion and surrender to God, especially in the form of Krishna.

Literary Contributions of Vallabhacharya:

Vallabhacharya wrote several commentaries and philosophical works, including the "Subodhini," a commentary on the Bhagavata Purana.
He also composed devotional hymns and poetry expressing his deep love for Lord Krishna.

Establishment of Temples:

Vallabhacharya traveled extensively and established temples dedicated to Lord Krishna, particularly the deity of Shrinathji, a form of Krishna, in places like Vrindavan, Mathura, and Nathdwara.


Vallabhacharya's teachings and the Pushti Marg continue to have a significant influence on the Vaishnavism tradition in India.
The Vallabha Sampradaya, also known as the Pushti Marg, remains an important school of thought within Hinduism.

Passing of Vallabhacharya:

Vallabhacharya left his mortal coil in 1531.

Vallabhacharya's teachings have had a lasting impact on the devotional landscape of India, emphasizing the path of love, surrender, and devotion to Lord Krishna as the means to attain spiritual liberation.