Biography of Somnath Sharma | my experiences

Biography of Somnath Sharma
Somnath Sharma
Major Somnath Sharma was the company-commander of the 4th battalion of the Indian Army's Kumaon Regiment Delta Company who, in the Indo-Pak conflict of October-November, 1947, rescued the enemy six of his valor. He was awarded the Param Vir Chakra by the Government of India posthumously. He is the first person to get Param Vir Chakra.

On January 31, 1923, Major Somnath Sharma, born in Jammu, entered the Indian army on February 22, 1942 as commissioned officer in the fourth Kumaon regiment. After posthumously, Major Somnath Sharma, the Param Vir Chakra, was given military duty during World War II when he was sent to the Rann near Malaya. On November 3, 1947, Major Somnath Sharma's detachment was ordered to go to the Badgam Front of the Kashmir Valley. When 500 soldiers of the enemy surrounded the Indian army from three sides and started attacking, Major Sharma fought with courage bravely.

Many soldiers of Major's army were received by Veergati and few survivors were left. Major Somnath's left hand was also injured, but he did not give up. They filled the tablets in the magazines and gave the soldiers, but unfortunately they became the target of a mortar's mortar and the wirigati received. In the last time, they continued to encourage their soldiers to face them. Major Somnath was the first Indian to receive Param Vir Chakra

On 15th August, 1947, India's freedom became a sad part of the country. King Harisinh of Jammu and Kashmir state was in Asmajas. They wanted to keep their state independent Two months passed in this workshops. Taking advantage of this, Pakistani soldier broke down in order to grab Kashmiris to grab Kashmir.

There the active Sheikh Abdullah wanted to keep Kashmir as his manor. Without a legal mergence in the principality of India, the Indian government could not do anything. When King Harisinh saw Jammu Kashmir going to the paws of Pakistan, he signed the merger letter with India.

With this, the army became active on the orders of the Government of India. Major Somnath Sharma's company was given the responsibility of security of the Badgam Airport near Srinagar. They stuck there with their own troops of only 100 soldiers. On the other hand, more than seven hundred Pakistani soldiers were present. They had weapons too high; But the wealth of courage Major Somnath Sharma did not give up. His confidence was inevitable. He sent a news on his brigade headquarters that till I have a single blood drunk in my body and I have one young man remaining, I will continue fighting.

There was continuous firefighting from both sides. Even after less troops and ammunition, Major's detachment was getting heavier on the attackers. On November 3, 1947, a hand grenade came near Major Somnath, facing the enemies. All his body was strained. Blood fountains started to leave. On this, Major also sent messages to his soldiers - do not worry me at this time. Protect the airport. Enemies should not move forward .

Somnath Sharma Influence of father and mama

Although Major Somnath's record can be a matter of pride, it can not be considered surprising because the military culture in his family has been running as a tradition. If his father wanted him, he could have taken his practice as a doctor in Lahore, but he wishes to serve Indian senators wisely. In addition to the father, Major Somnath had a deep impression on his maternal uncle. His maternal uncle Lieutenant Kishan Dutt Vasudev was in the 4/19 Hyderabadi battalion, and in 1942 there were martyrs fighting in the Japanese in Malaya.

Somnath Sharma in Indo-Pak War (1947)

On 3 November 1947, Major Somnath Sharma's detachment was ordered to go to the Badgam Front of the Kashmir Valley. Major Somnath reached Badgam before the first ray of light was thrown on 3 November and in the north direction, he deployed his detachment till 11 a.m. of the day. At that time, the army of about 500 people of the enemy surrounded their troop and attacked them, and the soldiers of Somnath were killed by heavy shelling. While introducing his skills, Somnath prevented the enemy from escalating while firing bullets with his soldiers. During this, he put himself in equal risk between enemy bullet shot and helped with the help of cloth straps to reach the right target.

A hand pills by Somnath Sharma

On the other hand, the number of thousands of tribals reached the slaughter-house, Baramulla. They felt that their way was clear. Only then did he know that the Indian Army is about to land at Srinagar airport. This news was about to trouble them. He wanted to stop the Indian army, so he quickly switched to Srinagar.

Perhaps, he did not know that somnath was stationed with some of his colleagues on a post in Badgam. In the event of a sudden attack by the enemy, the attackers had to stop them from proceeding. Until noon there was no movement from the side of the enemy, Somnath's team felt that the enemy probably changed his plan. Before he thinks anything more than that, a large number of tribals attacked his post on three sides.

Enemy numbers were very much in number. It was not easy to stop them. Despite this, Somnath fervently woke up his colleagues, saying that they would have to stop them from any army till they came to help. They had the impression that if the enemy was captured at Srinagar Airport, then the task of his forward would be easy.