Biography of Lansnayak Karam Singh | my experiences

Biography of Lansnayak Karam Singh
Lansnayak Karam Singh
Born on September 15, 1915 in Bhilia of Sangrur district of Punjab, Lansanayak Karam singh was awarded Paramveer Chakra (while living) in 1948.

During World War II, Karam singh joined the army at the age of 26, where he got appointment in the Sikh Regiment. For his gallantry in World War II, Karam singh was honored with the Sena Medal in 1944 and promoted to him as Lancenayak.

After the war of Major Somnath Sharma in the war between India and Pakistan in 1947, Lanshanayak Karam singh took on a brave front and won not only his victory but also kept his party safe. Lanshanayak Karam Singh received the Param Vir Chakra award with his own hands and in his own village, in the year 1995, he took his last breath.

On September 15, 1941, he enrolled in the first battalion of the Sikh Regiment. During the Burma campaign of World War II, he was awarded military medal for his conduct and courage in the Battle of the Administration Box. As a young, war-crafted soldier, he earned respect from fellow soldiers in his battalion.

Lansnayak Karam Singh in 1947 war

On June 3, 1947, the British announced their plans for the partition of the country. At that time the country was divided into small kingdoms. The British propose that the princely states, if any bilateral parts, whether to meet Hindustan or Pakistan, would like to meet or if they would like to be free to express themselves. Almost all the princely states made their decision. The states which decided to not get anywhere, Jammu Kashmir was a princely state, in which the rule of Maharaja Hari Singh was. They asked for the names of their subjects, some time before deciding which British gave them. Both India and Pakistan had to wait patiently in the meantime. India was involved in problems of partition at that time, so that was silent on that side, but Pakistan was sitting on the eye of Jammu Kashmir. He felt that Jammu Kashmir should meet him according to the Muslim population and the border. Pakistan got restless in this wait. He stopped supply of ration, oil, salt, kerosene etc., which are always available to Jammu and Kashmir. Her intention was to attack King Hari Singh. After that, he attacked Jammu Kashmir on 20th October 1947 from all sides. Kashmir sought help from India, then India said that since Kashmir wants to remain independent, it is not right to fall in the middle. Due to this, Hari Singh, while maintaining the status quo, wrote a proposal letter to join India, which India accepted. Now the fight has happened to India and Pakistan. India was alone on this side and Pakistan had the secret courage of the military and civilian officers of the British Raj.

Response to the Pak army by Lansnayak Karam Singh

1 & October 1948, Indo-Pak war was at its peak this time and Lance Naik Karam Singh was stationed in Kashmir with his three companions. At the same time, the Pakistani army launched a scourge to capture the post. The sale made by the Pak army was so intense that all the bunkers nearby had collapsed and the communication media had also broken, due to which the Army Command could not know about the attack. With three companions, Karam Singh continued to answer the action of Paki Paksha. The intention of the Pakistan army was to capture the Reichmar street by way of sector-by-sector.

Pak forced to retreat

Despite the horrific attack of Pakistan, Karam Singh and his three colleagues, who were present on the Indian post, did not give up and decided to remain till the last breath. Karam Singh continued retaliation from machine guns and grenades and did not let the Pakistani troops move forward. With the sensible and precise action of Lance Naik Karam Singh and his three companions, two units of Pakistan suffered heavy losses and they retracted the attack. In this attack, Lance Naik Karam Singh and his three companions were badly injured.

Param veer chakra to Lansnayak Karam Singh

On June 21, 1950, Singh's award was given to Gama of Param Vir Chakra.
Later, in September 1969, Karam Singh was honored with his position and in 1969 he was given the honorary captaincy before retirement. He died in his village on 20 January 1993 and his wife escaped from his wife Gurudal Kaur and childhood.

Other honors to Lansnayak Karam Singh

In the 1980s, fifteen crude oil tankers were named in honor of the Shipping Corporation (SCI), PVC recipients of the Government of India under the auspices of the Shipment Ministry. Tanker MT Lance Naik Karam Singh, PVC was handed over to SCI on July 30, 1984, and served for 25 years before becoming phased.