Major Branches of Physics | Uncategorized Physics - Modern Physics - Cosmology and Space exploration-Mesoscopic Physics-Quantum Physics-Nuclear Physics

List of major branches of physics

The term physics is derived from the Greek language Phusika, which means that the process The process and views are studied in it. But in the modern definition of physics, the relationship between energy and matter and their relationship is studied. Let us tell you that Newton and Einstein are considered to be the father of physics. Let's study about the list of major branches of physics in this article.

Uncategorized Physics - Modern Physics - Cosmology and Space exploration-Mesoscopic Physics-Quantum Physics-Nuclear Physics
branches of physics

Physics is divided into two main parts:
1. Uncategorized Physics
2. Modern Physics

Let us discuss these 2 main branches of Physics in detail.

1. Uncategorized Physics

Physics up to 1900 AD is considered to be the ultimate Physics. Its main subdivisions are as follows:

A. Mechanics: In this, the speed of objects running with the following moves is studied in relation to properties of matter and light.

B. Optics: All incidents related to light and its production, transmission and detection are studied.

C. Sound and wave motion: Under it the wave speed and sound production and transmission are studied.

D. Heat and Thermodynamics: This branch is studied in the process of heat, its transmission and changes in its function.

E. Electromagnetism: It is studied electromagnetism and electromagnetic radiation.

2. Modern Physics

Modern Physics is mainly studied in the twentieth century physics. Its main subdivisions are as follows:

A. Modern Physics: In this, the interaction of atom and its interactions with radiation is studied.

B. Nuclear Physics: In this, the structure of the nucleus and the interactions of the nuclear particles are studied.

C. Quantum Physics: This is a special type of mechanism in which the behavior of molecules, atoms, and nuclear particles is described.

D. Theory of Relativity: In 1905, Einstein propounded a specific principle of relativity, in which the description of the rules that apply to the speed of very high speed particles. Later, in 1915, Einstein presented a general theory of relativity in which the definition of gravitation was explained.

E. Cosmology and Space exploration: In this branch the study of the origin, structure and the movement of various celestial bodies of the world is studied. In the space exploration, the launch and the study of man-made or artificial satellites and the information received from them is analyzed and studied.

F. Mesoscopic Physics: Nowadays there has been an area emerging between macroscopic and microscopic impact areas in which groups of decades or decades have been studied. .
Physics is a fundamental science whose rules are used in all the technologies and all other branches of science. Another, where physics has accomplished human beings with all kinds of physical comforts, the other and physics have helped human beings understand the philosophical side of life by successfully interpreting many mysteries of the world.

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