History of India Gate | Background and Design - Purpose and Significance - Architecture and Features - Commemorative Events on India Gate

History of India Gate:

India Gate is one of the most iconic landmarks in New Delhi, the capital of India. It is a war memorial dedicated to the soldiers of the Indian Army who lost their lives fighting for the British Indian Empire during World War I and the Third Anglo-Afghan War. Here is a brief history of India Gate:

Background and Design - Purpose and Significance - Architecture and Features - Commemorative Events on India Gate
History of India Gate

Background and Design:

India Gate was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens, a renowned British architect, as part of the larger urban planning project for New Delhi. The monument was originally called the All India War Memorial and was inspired by the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Its construction began in 1921, and it was completed in 1931.

Purpose and Significance:

India Gate serves as a tribute to the 70,000 Indian soldiers who died in the two world wars while serving in the British Indian Army. The names of more than 13,000 servicemen are inscribed on the walls of the monument.

Architecture and Features of India Gate:

Architecture: India Gate is a massive sandstone arch standing 42 meters (138 feet) tall. It is situated on a base made of red Bharatpur stone and rises in stages to a molding at the top.
Amar Jawan Jyoti: At the center of India Gate, there is an eternal flame known as Amar Jawan Jyoti (the Flame of the Immortal Soldier). It was added after India gained independence in 1947 and serves as a memorial to honor the Indian soldiers who died in the 1971 India-Pakistan war.
Canopy: On one side of India Gate, there is a canopy made of marble and red sandstone, under which the statue of King George V once stood. The statue was removed after India gained independence in 1947.
Surroundings: India Gate is surrounded by lush green lawns, making it a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. The monument is beautifully illuminated in the evenings.

Commemorative Events:

India Gate is the focal point of national events, especially on Republic Day (January 26) and Independence Day (August 15). The Prime Minister of India pays homage to the soldiers at the Amar Jawan Jyoti on these occasions, and the area around India Gate witnesses grand parades and celebrations.

India Gate stands as a symbol of sacrifice, bravery, and national pride, reminding visitors of the immense contributions and sacrifices made by Indian soldiers in the service of their country.