Biography of Chand Bardai | Life in the 12th Century - Court Poet of Prithviraj Chauhan - Prithviraj Raso - Historical Significance of Chand Bardai

Biography of Chand Bardai:

Chand Bardai was a medieval Indian poet and the court poet of Prithviraj Chauhan, a Rajput king who ruled over the present-day northern regions of India during the 12th century. Chand Bardai is best known for composing the epic poem "Prithviraj Raso," which narrates the life and heroic deeds of Prithviraj Chauhan. 

Life in the 12th Century - Court Poet of Prithviraj Chauhan - Prithviraj Raso - Historical Significance of Chand Bardai
Chand Bardai

Here are key points about Chand Bardai's biography:

1. Chand Bardai's Life in the 12th Century:

Chand Bardai lived during the 12th century, a period marked by the Chahamana dynasty's rule in northwestern India. Prithviraj Chauhan, a prominent ruler of this dynasty, held sway over regions such as present-day Rajasthan and parts of Haryana and Delhi.

2. Chand Bardai as Court Poet of Prithviraj Chauhan:

Chand Bardai served as the court poet of Prithviraj Chauhan. He was entrusted with the task of recording and glorifying the king's heroic exploits.

3. "Prithviraj Raso":

Chand Bardai is most famous for composing "Prithviraj Raso" (also known as "Prithviraj Rasau"), an epic poem written in the Braj Bhasha dialect. The poem is a significant work in medieval Indian literature and is considered a valuable historical source.

4. Epic Poem on Prithviraj Chauhan:

"Prithviraj Raso" narrates the life, battles, and achievements of Prithviraj Chauhan. The poem is both a historical and romantic account, portraying the valor and chivalry of the king.

5. Chand Bardai in Battle of Tarain:

The poem extensively covers the Battle of Tarain, a significant conflict between Prithviraj Chauhan and Muhammad of Ghor (also known as Muhammad Ghazi). The battle took place in 1191 and was followed by a subsequent encounter in 1192.

6. Legacy:

"Prithviraj Raso" has played a crucial role in shaping the historical narrative of Prithviraj Chauhan's life. It is considered an important source for understanding the events of that period.

7. Historical Significance of Chand Bardai:

While "Prithviraj Raso" contains historical elements, it also includes mythical and legendary elements, making it a mix of history and folklore. As with many historical accounts, scholars often scrutinize the poem's content for its historical accuracy.

8. Influence on Later Literature:

Chand Bardai's work has influenced later poets and writers who drew inspiration from the narrative style and content of "Prithviraj Raso."

It's important to note that, like many historical figures from medieval India, specific details about Chand Bardai's life may be limited, and some aspects might be shrouded in historical legend. The primary source for understanding Chand Bardai and his work is the epic poem "Prithviraj Raso."
