States of matter

What are states of matter? There are four state of matter .In this blog page we will understand all of then one by one. Let us start to u...

Strain in a body

Strain in a body  When a body is subjected to some deforming  force , the configuration of the body changes (i.e. length or volume or the...


What is stress?  When a body gets deformed under the action of some external  force , internal forces are set up within the body which te...

Telescope and microscope

What are telescope and microscope? Here is the telescope and microscope in detail. telescope and microscope Astronomical Telescop...

Theory of Relativity | Consequences of special theory of Relativity - Postulates of Special theory of relativity-Define the theory of relativity

Define the theory of relativity? The theory of relativity was formulated by Albert Einstein in 1905. He showed that the primary quantitie...


What is Thermodynamics? Thermodynamics is a branch of Physics which deals with the conversion of heat energy into mechanical work and vi...

Time period of a satellite

What is period of a satellite? The time period of a satellite is the time taken by it to go once around the earth. Therefore T= Circumfe...