Information about Sun | Structure of the sun

Detailed information about the Sun

Many elements play an important role in maintaining life on earth. But the basis of all these elements is energy and the sun is the original source of most of the energy on the earth. Sun is a huge gaseous body. The temperature of the Sun is very high, so no matter on it is in a solid or liquid state. Here the plasma state of matter is present. On June 21, 2020, this sun of ours will be completely covered by the moon and amazing views can be seen at that time. Since time immemorial, there has been curiosity about this event in all civilizations. Fear and many myths have also been prevalent in the public regarding the phenomenon of total solar eclipse. Through this article, an attempt is being made to tell about the Sun.

At the time of Khagras i.e. total solar eclipse, a hazy aura is visible around the Sun. This is called the solar system or solar atmosphere (solar corona). The diameter of the Sun is about 14,00,000 km. The temperature of the central part of the Sun is 15×10″6 Kelvin. However, the surface temperature of the Sun is relatively low (about 6,000 Kelvin). The density of the central part of the Sun is 150 grams per cubic cm. It happens. This means that its mass on Earth is about 150 times greater than that of water. This is due to the extreme gravitational pressure of the Sun. Due to this, the pressure, temperature and density of the central part of the Sun increases very much. The mass of the Sun is about 3 lakh 53 thousand times greater than that of the Earth. It is estimated that the mass of the Sun is 2×10″30 kg. The Sun is so big that 109 more Earths like our Earth would be needed to cover it.

Being a gaseous sphere, the Sun makes one revolution on its axis in 25 days, because the Sun is not a solid body but a gas ball, so its different parts rotate at different speeds. Its rotation period at the equator is 25 days. This period gradually increases as we move towards the polar region. At the poles this period is 31 days. The rotation of the Sun is inclined about 83 degrees along the plane of the ecliptic. Therefore, this axis makes an angle of about 7 degrees with the plane of the ecliptic.

Structure of the sun

Sun is a gaseous body. Therefore its composition is different from that of the Earth. The Sun has no solid surface. The Sun has concentric circular shields or layers one after the other. Mainly the composition of the Sun is understood in the form of three layers. Specific types of physical processes go on in each layer. Although the innermost layer of the Sun, the core, ie, the nuclear furnace-like reactions, keep going on in the center. By mass, the amount of hydrogen in the Sun is about 94 percent and the amount of helium is 6 percent. Through the processes going on in the core, the hydrogen molecules keep converting into the nucleus of helium, the rate of which is 60 million tons per second. The energy produced as a result of this nuclear process comes in the form of photons of electromagnetic energy in the radiative region upwards after the centre. After that comes the convective zone then respectively the photozone, the chromatic aisle and the transition zone are located. The corona is located in the outermost region of the Sun. However, the center of the Sun is the source of energy for all other regions. The energy from the nuclear furnace ignited in the center is transferred to the outer layers one after the other through the process of radiation and convection. The temperature of the center of the Sun is 15×10″6 Kelvin and the temperature decreases as we move outwards. The process of decrease in temperature continues till the arrival of the chromosphere. The temperature in the chromosphere decreases to 4×10″3 Kelvin. Energy is transmitted by convection rather than radiation in regions where the temperature drops to less than 2×10″6 Kelvin. In these regions, instead of radiation, convection becomes the effective medium of energy propagation. It is on the basis of the diffusion of energy that the radiation field and the convection zone can be differentiated. The innermost layer of the Sun that is visible to the naked eye is the photosystem which is brighter than the barely visible atmosphere of the Sun. Usually, we estimate its size by looking at the Sun's photosystem with the naked eye. It has an atmospheric layer just outside the Sun's photosphere. Due to the intensity of the photosphere, the visible rays emitted from the chromosphere are dark when viewed without a specific filter, and the Moon covers the Sun's photosphere during the totality of a solar eclipse. However, just before the totality of the solar eclipse, the varna mandala can be seen with the naked eye. At that time it appears in a momentary glow of red color. The wavelength of this red light is 656 nanometers. The emission of this red light is due to a change in the atomic structure of hydrogen.

Perhaps the most unique feature of the Sun's outer atmosphere is its inordinate temperature fluctuations. With the increase in the distance from the center, the gradual fall in temperature does not come to the chromosphere of the Sun the way it should. There is a gradual decrease in temperature up to the chromosphere, but it again increases rapidly in the transition zone. Therefore, due to the sudden rise in temperature, this region is called the transition zone.

chemical composition of the sun

In the chemical composition of the Sun, mainly the two layers hydrogen and helium contribute the most. However, these two are the lightest elements in the periodic table. There is an abundance of oxygen and carbon in the Sun in decreasing order. Apart from these, the contribution of other elements in the chemical composition of the Sun in terms of weight is less than about one percent. An interesting thing about the chemical composition of the Sun is that the presence of helium on the Sun was first detected, it was discovered later on Earth. Helium was discovered on the Sun in 1868, while helium on Earth could be discovered in 1895.

Renewable Store of Energy – Solar Energy

Life on earth is possible only because of energy. The Sun is the renewable source of energy on Earth. The Sun has been shining for about five billion years and will continue to shine for another five billion years. The reason for the energy of the Sun is the continuous fusion reaction going on in it. Due to the presence of huge amount of matter in the Sun, its gravitational pull increases significantly, resulting in excessive pressure on the center of the Sun. This pressure can be balanced only when the temperature of the central part of the Sun is high enough. At very high temperatures, the nuclei of hydrogen begin to transform into the nuclei of helium. This process is called thermonuclear reaction. In this reaction four nuclei of hydrogen combine to form helium. A lot of energy is released in this process. Due to the fusion reaction in the center of the Sun, 42.50 lakh tons of hydrogen is converted into helium every second. In other stars like the Sun, energy is also produced by this process.

The stock of hydrogen present in the Sun is decreasing every moment. When this stock is exhausted, then the Sun will not be able to supply energy like today. When the supply of hydrogen is exhausted, it will begin to swell. At that time the size of the Sun would increase to two hundred and fifty times its size today, and during this process the Sun would then swallow the planets Mercury, Venus, and Earth. After that it will start shrinking. At that time the helium atoms present in the Sun will start converting into heavy atoms, which will also produce energy. In that situation, the Sun will eventually become so small that all its matter will not occupy more space in space than the Earth, and finally after some time the Sun will stop shining and become a white star. Then after many years the White Vamana star will stop shining and finally the Sun will turn into a dead Black Vamana i.e. Black Dwarf body. The Sun has existed for about five billion years and will continue to exist for the next ten billion years.

watching the sun

Due to excessive brightness or brilliance, it can be dangerous to see the sun with the naked eye, so the sun should not be seen with the naked eye. Apart from this, the Sun should not be seen with a telescope as there is a possibility of damage to the eyes. The Sun can be seen using a special type of filter under the guidance of an experienced astronomer.
