What Relation of history other subjects | History and theology - History and Political Science - History and Literature - History comes under the category of social science

 Relation of history with other subjects: 

1. History and theology:

 Not only in mythology, but also in history, the victory of those who follow the path of religion and the defeat of those who follow the path of unrighteousness has always been shown

 * St. Augustine's historical texts'  The victory of religion over sin is shown in 'City of God'. Features of Christian historiography include the importance of divine will in history, the divine nature of historical forces, and the importance of the Bible as the basis for historiography.

  Muslim historians have also considered the victory of Muslim rulers over other religions as the victory of Islam. Many modern Western historians also see the same trend.  Gibbon, Hume, Macaulay, Eton, Mackland etc. have given prominence to religion in historiography. 

 2. History and Ethics: 

There has always been a discussion on 'moral' and 'immoral' in history.  One of the main reasons for the decline of Toynbee civilizations is the immoral lifestyle of its inhabitants.

  3. History and Political Science:

 From Kautilya's 'Arthashastra' to Machiavelli's 'The Prince', there is a strong connection between political science and history.  4. History and Sociology: Auguste Comte, the founder of sociology, has not made a distinction between history and sociology. * According to him - 'History is social physics, it studies

 the general laws of human behavior' 


 Geographical conditions play an important role in determining the nature of the citizens there. For example, the countrymen, full of natural resources like India, never needed to go elsewhere for their survival or survival, so the soldiers made abroad in Indian history. 

 The campaigns are insignificant while the history of the inhabitants of inhospitable and inaccessible areas such as Mongolia or Turkestan is replete with military campaigns.  Geographical discoveries from the second half of the 15th century changed the nature of history. In fact, if history and geography are said to be two sides of the same coin, there would be no exaggeration.

  5 .History and Literature:

Since ancient times, historical events have been made the subject of literature. * To know the history of medieval England, interesting material is available in Walter Scott's novels. * Romantic historian Herder also accepts the integral relationship of history and literature. 

 6. History and Philosophy History: 

Earlier it was considered a part of philosophy, Nebur and Ranke had established it as an independent subject, yet there is a strong relationship between history and philosophy * Karl Marx of Hegel's philosophy  There is a clear influence on the historiography of * Spengler and Toynbee are not only historians, but are philosophical historians. 

7. Wide scope of history: 

Today we cannot study any subject alone, nor should we insist on doing so, the specialty of history is that the history of that subject is studied in every subject, so history  No question can be raised on the scope and utility of history. * The scope of history and its scope is unlimited. * The most remarkable thing is that even today its area is expanding and will continue to happen.

  8.History comes under the category of social science:

 * The field of history has been changing according to the religious, cultural, social, economic and political values ​​and circumstances of each era * The subject of history - Geography, climate, governance, religion,  Traditions, law, art, etc., all needed to be included, to enrich the tradition of Spengler writing, and Toynby wrote a history of cultures and civilizations, a universal history. 

 While expanding the subject and its scope, the subject of history According to Collingwood, the philosophical subject matter of history is the thought process which man gives a living form through his experience of his brain * man's work behavior is the subject of history -  The object is Hegel has considered the subject matter of history as society and the state. * According to the concept of professional class of the subject matter of history in Toynby's view, 'the subject matter of history includes all the work-business related to human life.  The nature of history is divided into two 


Past History and Contemporary History, Spengler has divided history into two parts. Nature-related history and anthropological history are notable in various distinctions of history, military history, cliometrics, comparative  History, cultural history, 

diplomatic history, economic history, political history, intellectual history, universal history, history of geographical discoveries, numismatics, epigraphy, social history, legal and administrative history, religious history, colonial history, invention and technological development  History of History, Travelogue

, *Dainandini, History from below (History from sub-dependents) History and relation to other subjects History and Theology, History and Ethics, History and Political Science, History and Sociology, History and Geography, History and Literature, History  and vision. 

9. Wide Field of History:

 History is characterized by the fact that in every subject the history of that subject is studied, so no question can be raised on the generality of history and its usefulness.
