What Nature historical importance

Discuss the nature and historical importance of character poetry with special reference to the Navsahsank character?

Navsahsank character poetry:

Poetry is composed about the character of a particular person, it is called character poetry.The first to write character poetry was the sage of the Bhriguvanshi tradition.  In the first phase we see that people were living under the ashram.  literature composed by him.
At that time there were small states.  When sages and kings lived, this tradition was lost when powerful empires arose. 

It started happening For education, the sage took the court and some officer started writing the life of the king.  Court poets were salaried and donated.This made a difference that the poetry which was written keeping in mind a particular person was called character poetry.  The court poet used to write poetry for King Data.  Bhrigu Rishi had an important place in ancient times.The difference is also visible in the economy.  

There was a change in clan, cities.  The taker of the ashram used to write poetry of great praise with his hand to show the giver as great.As it is described in Harshacharita that Harsha did not want to sit on the throne.  Situation had to sit due to which Banabhatta also wrote some such concoctions to hide the deficiency.
Which was natural, could be proved.  In the Navasahsank ,Which as an inspiration and tried to understand the authentic genealogy.

There are 5 parts to any character-


 -with the hope of getting enough results.


- To make efforts when the fruit is not obtained.


The attainment of the result due to the possibility of having a remedy or having an obstacle.

4.Achievement of intention: 

sure of getting the fruit after the trouble is removed


 The attainment of fruit in full.

Nature of Navsahshank charcter-

King Manju (974 -998) was a dependent poet who composed the Sanskrit epic called Navsahsank charcter.  He was the best brother of Sindhuraj of Dhara Nagari.

He is also called Parimal Kalidas.  Dhanik and Mammat quoted them.

In the view of scholars, Navsahsank Charcter is the first historical epic, which has 18 heavens.  In this, the story of the vows of the fictional princess Shashi Prabha is described, but it also describes the character of Sindhu Raj, the king of Malwa, through "shleswas"

As is often seen in Sanskrit historiography.  They contain less authentic history, less character, more an exaggerated description of the hero's character.  The same has happened in this poem as well.  The poet's surname was" Parimal".

He had a special skill in the use of verses.  The influence of the work of the great poet Kalidas is reflected on the Navasahsank Charit.  On the imitation of Kalidas, this book has also been composed on Vaidarbhi style.
The epic has been published with Hindi translation from Chaukhamba Vidya Bhavan.
In the Navasahasank character, the origin of Paramaro is believed to have originated from Mount Abu.

Somebody steals Vashishtha's Kamdhenu, to get it Vashishtha performs a yajna.  Whoever is born in them is a man.
They are called Parmars, from that the origin of Paramaras is considered.  Padma Gupta tried to connect him with Agni.  From Upendra, born of fire, Siddha Raj came from 

Importance of Navsahsank charcter-

The makeup of the effort is the adjustment with the rasa, which should be a definite effective discussion, which used to be easy to pronounce in the couplet.  The makeup of the hero and heroine has been described by staying in the limit.And also included.  It's all excellent.  Whatever is in it, he has written keeping all these in mind.

This has been the tradition of our sages since ancient times, it was somewhat different from the time of Banabhatta because it wanted to create new subject matter.  Hence the epics that were written by Kumarasambhava ,Kiratjuniyam, etc.

Their subject matter is different from Ramayana, Mahabharata.  In this one starts by making the character of his shelter giver as the hero.  Another example of this is also carried forward in the Gounvaho Yashovarman.
After this, small kingdoms arose, which could also make famous kings, and praise them should be sung.  For this he needed poets.

  Then he inspired the Brahmins to stay in the court and urged them to settle in the kingdom.
Such information is also found in Parmar, Kalchuri, Kanyakubja.  There was a reason behind this.  Developing his personality The neo-adventurous character shows that Sindhu Raj recaptured his kingdom acquired by Kuteshwar on the strength of his sword.Here, Kuteshwar refers to Styasrya.

Lack of these literature:

This is a historical subject matter.  The real story is composed in the form of poetry.  To understand this, the political considerations are very combined with the minister.  Narmada river becoming a human being of an ape flying in the sky.  Nevertheless, it is very important in understanding the contemporary situation.