Determination the composition of Vedas || Types of Vedic literature || New researches on Vedas

 Classify Vedic literature and in the light of new research, determine the time of creation of Vedas.?

Vedic Literature-

The language in which the literary expressions of the inhabitants of the Sapta Sindhu region located in the northwestern part of India took place orally is called Vedic culture.
The time of development of Vedic literature is considered to be from 6000 BC to 8000 BC.


Vedic Mantras are urged in the Sanhita.  their four main .

1.Rigveda sanhita-

The oldest text of India is Rigveda, there were chhnd and slok. nd 10 Mandalas, 1028 Suktas, 10580 Mantras are also accompanied by this.  There are good sayings in the Sukta.

2.Yajurveda sanhita-

Yajuveda was recited by "Ardhyu", it is the Veda of rituals, both in prose verse, in which there are 40 chapters, 1990 mantras.

3.samved sanhita-

First of all the song has been composed from this Veda - Sa, Re Ga, Ma, Pa, pronunciation is obtained from this Veda.  1549 is Mant.  In this 75 mantras are considered real.  and the rest was taken from the Rigveda.

4.Athrveda sanhita-

This Veda has been composed by a sage named "Athrva".  The convener of Atharvaveda Vani has been taken in.  There are 20 chapters, 731 suktas, 6000 mantras.

Brahman text-

The composition of the yagya which is discussed at the time of the coronation of Aitareya Kaushitakiya, a Brahmin text, is found in its composition.  What are the types of Yagya?  In this, how many types of times are there for yagyas, in this,


In the forest or in the forests we are done living in the forests or philosophical in such a textbook.  It contains the book Atreya Kaushitaki.


It is made up of two words.  Sitting Up Near and Nishad The student who takes education by staying near the Guru is the last part of Upanishad Vedas.

Four different types of Sutra literature-

1.Source Sutras - 

Those who tell the process of Vedic Yagya.

2.Home Rule

rituals related to personal and family life


describing religious and social rules, duties and rights.


Measuring the Yagya altar, he is the one who describes its construction.


Vedanga is made up of two words Veda.+anga=Vedanga

It has six parts.  In the form of vedanga, knowledge is found in various types of Brahmin texts, Aranyaka, Upanishads.
There were many mantras in the Vedas under the Rigveda.  The praise of this mantra cannot be performed more sacrifices.  The independent form emerged in the form of finance but were not associated with the K in later times and they were used in yagyas.

Parts of Vedanga-


It has been compared to the "nose".  In this, the knowledge of how to pronounce Vedic vows would be attained.


It has been compared to hand.  In this, there is a discussion of rituals at the time of Yagya.  four threads under klp.
1.srot sutra 2.grih sutra3.dhrm sutra4.shulv sutra


It has been compared to eare.  The meaning of any mantra can be assumed only then 1.  e as long as the word is pronounced correctly.  That is, you cannot memorize, due to which it is not possible to recite the mantras. 


it compared to eye?  Yogis are determined on the basis of various predictions.


Grammar has been compared to the mouth, which is used to purify any language.


it was compared to the foot.  In this they are the creation of riots.

The time of creation of Vedas in the light of new research-

The period of Vedas is a complex problem, there is a difference of opinion of scholars in its context and it is different.  Indian and later scholars tried to determine the time of composition of Vedas.  Indian scholar. *Pandit dinanath shastri churait  has proved this by the astrologer Ganna from the book Vedakal Nirnnaya.
L furode feeder accepts 1500 to 200 BC.  In Vedic literature 2500 BC, Dokoli is also considered to be 4500 BC.  Because the astrology calculation in it is considered to be its first book.
 * Among Indian scholars, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, on the basis of astrological calculations, such children are some of the later ones, till 6000 BC, the time of creation of Vedas is considered.
 Manta of Rigveda can be kept between 4000 to 3500.
 After that Balakrishna Dixit considered 3000 BC.  And Chattopadhyay presented different ideas.  He said that in 3000 BC the Rigveda period and Vedas in 2000 BC, the Brahmin text will be 1000 BC.  But did not accept the logic of his vote.
  * Sir R Sri Bhandakar tries to judge the Vedic period in Cambridge History of India.  They believe that there is mutual equality in the words Vedic Asura and Asurian, because in their opinion, the creation of Vedic children is fixed in 2800 BC.
  Keith, Wilson after Maxmule, they also determined the time of Vedas based on the arguments due to which the time is not fixed.


Even after the consideration of so many scholars, there is a difference of opinion in this matter, some scholars have thought that the composition of the Vedas is about 300,000 years ago, but western scholars do not express their opinion in this belief.
 Dr. A. Beber has accepted Vedic literature as very ancient in the book History of Indian Literature.
 This is evident from the Rigveda.  That the Aryans were located in Punjab during that period.  The sign of gradually moving towards the Ganges in the east by cutting the Indian border is from the later Vedic period.
