British influence Indian food | Influence of Christianity in the Indian kitchen

British influence on Indian food

Indian food is all about diversity and is an example of ancient tradition. Country cuisine features elaborate cooking techniques. Indian cuisine was offered with a splendid assortment during the colonial period. The colonial period introduced European cooking styles to India, showcasing the British influence on Indian food. Flexibility and variety were introduced to the cuisine of India in that period. The British brought not only food but also various beverages. The British brought whiskey to India and brought tea prepared with spices such as ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, clove and licorice.

British influence on Indian food

British influence on Indian food

The British influence on Indian food makes a spicy display. Offers variety of British cooking. The British convinced the influence of Christianity in the Indian kitchen. British food is called Anglo-Indian food. Apart from this, with the arrival of the British, those curries started to be consumed which were eaten with rice. Apart from this, salads are lightly cooked vegetables to which some spices, vinegar or yogurt are added. In addition, various English snacks including sponge cake, lemon-curd tartlets, and cucumber sandwiches are favorites of the British and their contributions to the Indian subcontinent. The influence of the British on the style of eating is on every state of the country. Indian cooking style mostly depended on British patterns. In addition the British influence brought a necessary change in the Indian kitchen. The change can be seen to a large extent as the dining table as a dining space replaced the kitchen floor and porcelain replaced the banana leaf as a utensils for eating.