What are Scalar and Vector Quantity | Quantity types in Physics

Scalar and Vector Quantity

There are two types of physical quantities, Scalar end vector. Let's discuss in detail in this blog post about "What are Scalar and Vector Quantity".

Scalar Quantity: 

There are some things that only result in no direction such as mass distance time speed volume density pressure work energy power power current voltage potential heat specific heat frequency etc. Such amounts are called higher amounts, only a number of any order amount. And the sole can be expressed completely. For example, the mass of this truck is 200 kg. The distance from home to college is 2 kilometers. Addition of subtract multiplication can be done with the help of simple arithmetic.

Vector Quantity:

There are some patterns that have results as well as direction such as position displacement velocity tolerance, momentum outward electric field, magnetic force field current density, etc. vector such physical quantities to fully express any vector amount. It is necessary to mention the direction along with the family, if we tell a person to state the status of our college that our College is 2 km from the station, then our conversation will be incomplete and that person will not be able to reach the college. But let us say that our college is 2 kilometers north of the station, then it will understand the state of the college, so the situation is a vector amount.