Error estimation | Error in measurement

Error estimation

The measurement taken during any experiment has both an error due to the error of observation and the accuracy of the measuring instrument, no measurement is completely accurate no matter how carefully it is taken and how high the measuring instrument is No matter of precision, the uncertainty of a text is technically called error. Error is always expressed in percentage.

Maximum error and percent error

We know that each measuring instrument used in an experiment has a range of accuracy. Find it by the minimum number of the instrument, such that the length of a small rod is 2.5 cm by the scale of the meter if the exact length is 2.4 cm. Even if the board is less than 2.5 cm or more than between 2 point 6 cm, only 2.5 cm will be read from the meter scale, thus a maximum error of up to zero point 1 cm is possible in the measurement of 2.5 cm read by the meter scale, so 2.5 Cm measurement has a maximum of 24 percent