Examples of Principles of communication | Learn Physics

Examples of principles of communication

Examples of principles of communication

Example: T.V. transmission tower at a particular station has a height of 144 m. Radius of the earth = 6400 km.

(a)    What is its coverage range?

(b)   How much population is covered by transmission, if the average population density around the tower is 1000/km2?

(c)    By how much the height of tower be increased to double its coverage range.


Here: h=144 m; R=6400 km= 6.4 × 106 m; ρ = 1000km-2

(a)    Coverage range, d = √(2hr)


=42.933 km

(b)   Population covered= population density × area

= ρ×πd2=1000×(22/7)×(42.933)2

=57.93 lakh

(c)    d’ =√(2h’R)=2d =2√(2hr) or 4h=4 ×144=576 m

Increase in height of tower = h’-h = 576-144 = 432 m
