10 QA on models of atoms | Learn Physics

 10 Question-answer on models of atoms

10 Question-answer on models of atoms

1.       In an atom, the two electrons move round the nucleus in circular orbits of radii R and 4R. The ratio of the times taken by them to complete one revolution is:

(a)    ¼

(b)   4/1

(c)    8/1

(d)   1/8

Ans: (d)

2.       The ratio of the energies of the hydrogen atom in its first to second excited states is:

(a)    ¼

(b)   4/9

(c)    9/4

(d)   4.

Ans: (c)

3.       For the principle quantum number n=4, the total number of different possible values of the azimuthal quantum number l, is

(a)    2

(b)   8

(c)    4

(d)   3.

Ans: (c)

4.       Consider the spectral line resulting from the transition n=2 to n=1 in the atoms and the ions given below.  The shortest wavelength is produced by:

(a)    Hydrogen atom

(b)   Deuterium atom

(c)    Singly lonised helium

(d)   Doubly jonised lithium.

Ans: ( d)

5.       For the azimuthal quantum number l=3, the total number of different possible values of the magnetic azimuthal quantum number, m1, is:

(a)    3

(b)   4

(c)    5

(d)   7

Ans: (d)

6.       With increasing quantum number, the energy difference between adjacent energy levels in atoms:

(a)    Decreases

(b)   Increases

(c)    Remains constant

(d)   Decreases for low z and increases for high z.

Ans: (a)

7.       The series limit wavelength of the Lyman series for the hydrogen atom is given by

(a)    1/R

(b)   4/R

(c)    9/R

(d)   16/R

Ans: (a)

8.       The valence electron in an alkali metal is:

(a)    An f electron

(b)   A p electron

(c)    An s electron

(d)   A d electron

Ans: (c)

9.       The ionization energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. Following Bohr’s theory, the energy corresponding to a transition between 3rd and 4th orbit is:

(a)    3.40 eV

(b)   1.51 eV

(c)    0.85 eV

(d)   0.66 eV

Ans: ( d)

10.       A hydrogen atom in the ground state is excited by radiations of wavelength 975 A. the energy state to which the atom is excited is:

(a)    1

(b)   2

(c)    3

(d)   4

Ans: ( d)
