Electromagnetic induction and alternating current | Learn Physics

Example of electromagnetic induction and alternating current

Example of electromagnetic induction and alternating current

Example:  a magnetic field induction is changing in magnitude at a constant rate dB/dt. A given mass m of copper drawn into a wire of radius a and formed into a loop of radius r is placed perpendicular to the field. Shows that the induced current in the loop is given I = (m/4πρ∂)dB/dt

Where ρ is specific resistance and ∂ is density of copper.


Area of loop = πr2

Area of cross section = πa2

Mass of wire, m = (πa2) l ×∂           ……………….(i)

Resistance of wire R = ρl/ πa2

Using (i) ,        R = ρl/(m/l∂) = ρl2∂/m

   R= [ρ(2πr)2 ∂/m = 4π2r2∂ρ/m    …………………(ii)

Flux through the loop ɸ = BA = B (πr2)

E = dɸ/dt = (πr2)dB/dt

Current induced in the loop,


I= m/(4π∂ρ)db/dt

This was to be proved.
