10 question-answer of electric field | Learn Physics

10 question-answer of electric field

10 question-answer of electric field

1.       If an electron has an initial velocity in a direction different from that of an electric field, the path of the electron is:

(a)    A straight line

(b)   A circle

(c)    An ellipse

(d)   A parabola

Ans: (d)

2.       If one penetrates a uniformly charged spherical cloud, electric field strength

(a)    Decreases directly as the distance from the centre

(b)   increases directly as the distance from the centre

(c)    remains constant

(d)   none of above

Ans: (a)

3.       The electric field strength at a distance r from a point charge Q is E. what will be electric field strength if the distance of the observation point is increased by 2r ?

(a)    E/2

(b)   E/4

(c)    E/5

(d)   None of above

Ans : ( d)

4.       ‘Debye’ is the unit of

(a)    Electric flux

(b)   Electric dipole moment

(c)    Electric potential

(d)   Electric field intensity

Ans: ( b)

5.       In a region with a uniform electric field, the number of lines of force per unit area is E. if a spherical metallic conductor is placed in the area, the field inside the conductor will be :

(a)    Zero

(b)   E

(c)    More than E

(d)   Less than E

Ans: ( a)

6.       What is the angle between the electric dipole moment and the electric field due to it on the axial line?


(b)   90˚

(c)    180˚

(d)   None of above

Ans: (a)

7.       An electrical dipole is kept in a uniform electric field. It experiences

(a)    A force and a torque

(b)   A force, but no torque

(c)    A torque but no force

(d)   Neither a force nor a torque

Ans: ( c)

8.       The electric  potential at a point on the equatorial line of an electric dipole is:

(a)    Directly proportional to distance

(b)   inversely proportional to distance

(c)    inversely proportional to square of the distance

(d)   none of above

Ans: ( d)

9.       the electric field at a distance R due to charge q is E. if the same charge is placed on the copper sphere of radius R, the electric field at distance 2R from the centre of the spherical conductor will be?

(a)    0.25E

(b)   0.5E

(c)    E

(d)   2E

Ans: ( a)

10.   An electron and a proton are situated in a uniform electric field. The ratio of their acceleration will be :

(a)    Zero

(b)   Unity

(c)    Ratio of masses of proton and electron

(d)   Ratio of masses of electron and proton

Ans: (c)
