10 QA on displacement current | Learn Physics

10 Question-Answer on displacement current 

10 Question-Answer on displacement current

1.       The displacement current was first postulated by:

(a)    Maxwell

(b)   Marconi

(c)    Ampere

(d)   Hertz

Ans: ( a)

2.       Which of the following type of radiations are radiated by an oscillating electric charge

(a)    Electric

(b)   Magnetic

(c)    Thermoelectric

(d)   Electromagnetic

Ans: ( d)

3.       The theory of electromagnetic waves predict-ted by Maxwell in 1888 was confirmed experimentally first by

(a)    Maxwell

(b)   Hertz

(c)    Marconi

(d)   J.C. Bose.

Ans: ( b)

4.       The electromagnetic waves

(a)    Travel with the speed of sound

(b)   Travel with the same speed in all media

(c)    Travel in free space with the speed of light

(d)   Do not travel through a medium

Ans: ( c)

5.       If a free electron is placed in the path of a plane electromagnetic wave, it will start moving along

(a)    Centre of earth

(b)   Equator of earth

(c)    Magnetic field

(d)   Electric field

Ans: ( d)

6.       The speed of electromagnetic wave is same for:

(a)    Old frequencies

(b)   Even frequencies

(c)    All frequencies

(d)   All intensities.

Ans: ( d)

7.       Which of the following has zero average value in a plane electromagnetic wave

(a)    Kinetic energy

(b)   Magnetic field

(c)    Electric field

(d)   Both ‘b’ and ‘c’

Ans: (d)

8.       The electromagnetic wave do not transport

(a)    Energy

(b)   Charge

(c)    Momentum

(d)   Information.

Ans: (b)

9.       The  magnetic field out of the parallel plates of capacitor is maximum

(a)    Along the wire

(b)   On the axis of wire

(c)    At distance equal to radius of plates

(d)   At distance larger then radius of plates

Ans: ( a)

10.   A magnetic field can be produced by:

(a)    A moving charge

(b)   A changing electric field

(c)    None of them

(d)   Both of them.

Ans: ( d)
