Example of law of motion | Learn Physics

 Example of law of motion

Example of law of motion. Two loads masses m1 and m2 having a total mass 30 kg are suspended from a spring balance attached to ceiling of a lift moving upwards with an acceleration of 0.1 g. Determine the reading on the spring balance. Take g = 10 ms-2 .

Example of law of motion

Solution: If the lift is stationary, and m2> m1, then load m2 will fall down with acceleration say a1 and load m1 will rise up with acceleration a1. If the lift is accelerated upwards with an acceleration a (=0.1 g) and T is the tension in the string, then for the motion of load m1 , we have

T – m1g = m1(a + a1) …………………………(i)

for the motion of load m2 , we have

T – m2g = m2(a - a1) …………………………(ii)

Adding (i) and (ii), we get

2T – (m1+m2)g = (m1+m2)a+(m1-m2)a1

Or       2T =(m1+m2)(g +a)-- (m1-m2) a1                                           

Ignoring the second term, being too small,

Reading on spring balance = 2T = (m1+m2)(g +a)

=30(9.8 + 0.98)= 30  × 10.78 N

=30  × 10.78/9.8 = 33 kg wt.
