Contemporaries of Mahatma Buddha | Mahavira - Ajatasatru - King Bimbisara and Prasenajit - Ananda and Yasodhara - Figures who lived around the same time as Buddha

Contemporaries of Mahatma Buddha:

Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, lived during the 6th to 4th centuries BCE. During his lifetime, several notable figures and contemporaries were present in the Indian subcontinent. 

Mahavira - Ajatasatru - King Bimbisara and Prasenajit - Ananda and Yasodhara - Figures who lived around the same time as Buddha

Here are some key figures who lived around the same time as Buddha:

1. Mahavira (c. 599–527 BCE):

Mahavira, also known as Vardhamana, was the 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism. He founded the Jain religion, and his teachings overlapped with those of Buddha. Both Mahavira and Buddha were prominent spiritual leaders in ancient India.

2. Ajatasatru (c. 492–460 BCE):

Ajatasatru was a king of the Magadha Empire and the son of King Bimbisara. He is mentioned in Buddhist scriptures as a contemporary of Buddha. Ajatasatru played a role in the political landscape during Buddha's lifetime.

3. King Bimbisara (c. 558–491 BCE):

Bimbisara was the king of Magadha and a contemporary of both Buddha and Mahavira. He was an early supporter of Buddha and became one of his followers.

4. Prasenajit (c. 6th century BCE):

Prasenajit, also known as King Pasenadi, was the king of Kosala and a contemporary of Buddha. He was an important supporter of Buddha and played a significant role in the spread of Buddhism.

5. King Ajatashatru (c. 492–460 BCE):

Ajatashatru, the son of King Bimbisara, succeeded his father as the ruler of Magadha. He is known for his association with Buddha and his eventual conversion to Buddhism.

6. Udayin (c. 6th century BCE):

Udayin was a king of Magadha and the successor of King Ajatashatru. His reign is mentioned in Buddhist texts, and he played a role in the political developments of the time.

7. Maha Kassapa:

Maha Kassapa was one of Buddha's chief disciples and a significant figure in the early Buddhist Sangha. He presided over the First Buddhist Council after Buddha's Mahaparinirvana.

8. Ananda:

Ananda was a cousin and one of the ten principal disciples of Buddha. He was present during many of Buddha's discourses and later played a key role in the preservation of Buddhist teachings.

9. Devadatta:

Devadatta was a cousin of Buddha and a monk. However, he later became dissatisfied with Buddha's teachings and attempted to establish his own community.

10. Yasodhara:

Yasodhara was Buddha's wife before he renounced worldly life. She played a significant role in Buddha's life, and after his enlightenment, she eventually became a Buddhist nun.

These contemporaries of Gautama Buddha were influential figures in the political, religious, and social landscape of ancient India. Their interactions with Buddha and the events surrounding his life contributed to the shaping of both Buddhist and Jain traditions.