How WordPress Works | My Experiences

How WordPress Works

Like Wordpress, DreamWeaver or FrontPage, there is no webpage creating tool but a framework and to build your website using it, you have to have a little knowledge of HTML and CSS, which you can use according to your need. Get the ability to modify the Structure and Look and Feel of your website.

Using WordPress, you actually create a Dynamic and Easily Extensible Website rather than a Static Website, whereas to do this you do not even need to write a Manual Code. Because WordPress has developed more plugins and themes than any other framework in the world and most of them are almost free.

That is, hundreds of plugins are already available to meet any kind of requirement of your website, out of which you can choose and use it for your WordPress website, which best fulfills your needs. And you can do all this work only with your Mouse.

Therefore, when you use the WordPress Framework to develop your website, you do not need to write a single line of code. As a result, you can focus all your attention on developing the Contents of your website, which is necessary for your online income.

Three parts of any website work in creating a Dynamic Website, which are known as Frontend, Backend and Database. But when we are using WordPress to create our website, we do not have to do anything to create any of these three parts, because WordPress itself maintains these three parts.

All of our data (Contents and Metadata) in the WordPress Framework is stored in a MySql Database, while what and how the Visitor of our website will appear as a frontend is completely decided by the WordPress Theme, which we Let's use our wordpress software.

So when a Visitor requests a webpage from a WordPress based website, Wordpress fulfills Visitor's request, working as follows:

How WordPress Works

That is, Visitor requests a web server for a webpage through a web browser. Web Server redirects that request to the WordPress framework to fulfill that request.

As a result, the WordPress system decides which webpage the user needs and retrieve the data of that webpage from the MySQL database and structure this retrieved data according to the layout of that WordPress Theme. Dynamically generates a new Webpage, which we have activated in the WordPress Framework.

As a result, a new webpage is generated dynamically according to the user's request and returning the webpage to the same Visitor as the Response, which fulfill the user's request, performed the request. We can also better represent this procedure followed by WordPress by another image as follows:

WordPress Works

That is, using the website of Frontend and Database as wordpress system as above, it generates various webpages of website dynamically, while in the form of backend, we provide an editor where we can make the content of each of our webpages in the best way. You can format from and every content we create is stored in MySQL Database, which is placed in an appropriate way in the Layout of the WordPress Theme, when a user goes through the Web Browser for a webpage containing that content. Requests from.

That is, in a WordPress Powered Website, both the content of Webpages and the Layout (Theme) of Webpage are kept completely separate from each other. Because of which when we are creating content, we do not need to worry about how our content will appear in the frontend to a Visitor.

Because the task of rendering content is done by the WordPress Theme we have activated and how we want to render our content in front of Visitor, this depends entirely on the Template Files created in the Activated Theme. .

Therefore, in order to render our content in a specific way, we have to create or modify a specific Template File of WordPress Theme according to our content rather than our content, which has no effect on our content.

Since there can be many types of websites and they can be created in many ways. But when a website is created using WordPress, then a single person can also manage their website better and the monthly cost of such website is between 200 / - to 500 / - per month on average. it happens.

But when a website is designed from the very beginning without using a framework like Wordpress, there are many types of Software Engineers (Graphics Designer, Database Designer, Backend Developer, Frontend Developer, etc. to design this type of website …) Is needed and the cost to develop such a website comes in millions.

Wordpress is a framework that provides us the facility to develop Fast Website and it is so flexible that we can use it to develop any kind of website in the world, under which the huge shopping cart and checkout system There can also be E-Commerce Websites, in which Security is the main issue and also a Simple Blog.

Blogs are a special type of website, in which very fast changing contents are written. These are similar to Online Daily Diary, where we can discuss about our daily activities. When Blogs was started, this was what it actually meant and it was known as WebLogs, not Blog. But at the present time this means has changed a lot compared to before.

Generally, such content is written in Blogs, which are Time Dependent and the Date and Time of Article Publishing is also specified with this type of Contents. In order to manage the contents of News or Magazine Style, a blog type website is usually created.

Most people blogging only for personal satisfaction. While some people do Professional Blogging to increase their business and the remaining people use Blogging as a Profession to earn Directly or Indirectly Online Earning. While their number is very less.

That is, only 8 to 10 percent people blogging to generate online income. While only 1 to 2 percent of these 8 to 10 percent people are able to continue blogging and live on the basis of the income generated from blogging.

While the other 98 percent people know how to use Blogging properly for Online Earning, due to lack of information on how to use Blogging for a short time, they close their website forever.

Blog can be of many types, such as News Blog, Magazine Blog, Photo Blog, Video Blog etc. and we can use the WordPress platform in a similar way to create all these types of blogs.

Because to create any type of blog, we do not need to change the WordPress system, rather we only have to create a new type of WordPress Theme to meet a new type of need, for which the WordPress Platform requires us The complete one API System provides.

Although WordPress is currently a Best Blogging Platform, but now we can use it not only as a Blogging Platform but as a full CMS (Content Management System) and using WordPress to fulfill every need. , Which is usually completed by a CMS such as Drupal or Joomla.

That is why we can not only use WordPress as a Blogging Platform but with equal success, we can also use it to create a Traditional Website and to do this we need to have a Specific in our WordPress Theme Templates Only the type of change needs to be performed.

You don't have to search anywhere else to find out what kind of websites can be created using the WordPress platform and in what ways.

Because at the https: // URL of the WordPress website itself, you can get detailed information and see how powerful platform is WordPress, due to which big companies are using their Blogging Platform or Website Using it as a framework.
