Free Hosting always pays more than you think | My Experiences

Free web hosting always pays more than you think

When you take the Decision of the Theme Content of your website and decide on which topic you want to keep your website based on and identify any specific problem related to that particular topic i.e. Theme Content, about the information product related to it. You also decide, after that the next most important job is to develop your website.

Free Hosting always pays more than you think

A website is basically a combination of two things in the form of Domain Name and Web Hosting. Where the Domain Name represents your Online Identity brand. Whereas to place your website, you have to buy space from some hosting company.

However, usually new people prefer to start with Free Hosting and Free Sub-Domain instead of buying their own Domain Name and Hosting, which is a mistake as the first step of Establishing Online Business, which is changed. The latter has to be repaid as a substantial loss.

The first disadvantage of not having your own domain + hosting is that you do not receive any advertisement by any advertising network. That is, good Ad-Companies like Google providing PPC, CPA etc. do not register you for your Ad-Network. Also, if you do not have your own Domain + Hosting, then no matter what good product you are offering, people do not believe in you, because your domain is your identity and if you are your own domain i.e. If you cannot spend Rs 600 / - annually for your own brand or identity, then I think you are not serious about your own online business and when you are not serious about your identity, then people are not towards your product. Why would you be serious?

Also, if you want to develop your online identity using a platform like Blogger, with which you can attach your personal domain, then do not make this mistake. Because although Blogger gives you the facility to attach your Custom Domain Name with your Blog, but you have no control on the Server Side. So you have to be forced to make your website the same way Blogger gives you the facility.

Also, Blogger is actually a Blogging Platform, which displays posts in Reverse Chronology itself. Therefore you cannot use Blogger as a website. Apart from this, if you do not continuously update new content on Blogger, then gradually the search engine ranking of your website starts decreasing, due to which the number of visitors to your website starts decreasing and your online business at one time The latter comes to a complete halt.

You can not customize Blogger according to your needs, nor are there such kind of professional plugins and themes available for Blogger, by using which you can use your website commercially and you can do more online earning through Selling. 

That is, there are hundreds of problems with various websites offering Blogger and other free Blogging Platforms like this, because they never give you complete freedom related to development, which is needed to establish an online brand.

I am strictly forbidding you to use a platform like Blogger, because till July-2012 I too had associated the hosting of Blogger with the domain. But Blogger does not provide any kind of control over Server Side Coding, nor does it allow to send more than 20 emails per hour, nor can we put Contact Form on Blogger Site according to the desired requirement.

Therefore, to get complete control over my website, it was now very important for me to buy my own personal hosting space and now I was also regretting why I kept my website hosted on Blogger due to the slight savings. Online Business Establish because now if I remove my domain from Blogger Hosting and connect with my own Web Host, then from 2008 to 2012 my website hosted on Blogger through Establish all my online business, my customers, my registered readers, the ranking of my website, traffic coming from search engines, everything ends and I have to completely re-establish my website again , Whereas from March-2012 to July-2012, started generating income of about Rs. 5000 / - per month on average.

That is, from 2008 to 2012, I had to re-establish the brand that I had established as a Brand with the Attached Domain with hosted on Blogger. . Which meant that my four years of hard work were going to go waste.

But there was nothing I could do. It was compulsory for me to attach my domain with my Paid Hosting i.e. Shift on my own web host, except Blogger, because keeping my website hosted on Blogger, I had to keep my online business i.e. Increase cannot increase earning.

I could not do this because even a minor change in my website hosted on Blogger could not be related to the Server Side Scripting. That is, I had no control anywhere except my domain name on Blogger Hosted Site.

In the end, I made a very difficult decision and removed my domain name from Blogger and attached it to my own Paid Host and as soon as I changed my host, the traffic of my website with a page-view of 30000 per month was almost lost. Income of about Rs 5000 / - per month generated by decreased to 0.

Soon my domain's Google Ranking decreased from 3 to 0 and since then Google has not done the Ranking Increase of my domain and probably will not do so in future, because I removed the domain which was associated with Blogger for 3 years. Associated with any other host, which was wrong in his eyes, because Blogger is actually Google's platform and will move to another host except Google's Host, then the ranking of the domain will be punished.

After changing the hosting, I used to create only the content of my website on my new host for about 2 months. Because I wrote about 400 articles on Blogger, through which I started getting more than 1000 pageviews and about 200 Unique Visitors every day, but there was no content on my new website and I had to move my Contents from Blogger to my own Host Despite that, I had to revise almost all the content again.

Since I used WordPress as my CMS i.e. Content Management System on my new Host, because WordPress is the only CMS in which the content on Blogger can be moved in the best way. Also, Wordpress is the only framework for which most plugins and themes in the world have been developed to meet a wide variety of needs and because of completely shifting from my Website Blogger to my own host Done, so I had to re-establish my website in the shortest possible time to normalize it so that it could start generating income again, so I chose WordPress as my CMS.

Despite moving more than 400 of my articles from Blogger Host to my WordPress Powered Self Hosted Server, I had to re-check and modify each of my articles, as both WordPress and Blogger are two completely different technologies based platforms. Therefore, despite transferring data between them, the data is not transferred in 100% perfect way, due to which it took me almost two months to bring my website back to normal and in these two months the monthly income generated by the website was 0. And after two months, again slowly this website started generating income.

But this time it took about 6 to 8 months more to reach Rs 5000 / - monthly on average. Because when I associated the domain with Blogger Hosting, more than 400 of my articles created on Blogger were ranked in Google Search Engine and Search Engine Traffic used to come to my website for thousands of keywords. But when I removed my domain from Blogger and attached it to my own host, the URLs of all my articles ranked in Google Search Engine for thousands of keywords became Path Invalid.

As a result, until Google indexes all the webpages of my new website again for different keywords, there could be no Income Increase of my website and it took 6 to 8 months to do this work by Google. Due to which, after 6 months, started generating income again.

Now if I guess the total loss due to me due to Shift from Blogger to Personal Web Host, then at the time when I did Hosting Change, was earning around Rs 5000 / - per month and again 5000. / - It took about 6 months to reach rupees per month. That is, the cash loss of these 6 months was 6 x 5 = 30 thousand rupees.

Whereas if I had kept my domain associated with my own Paid Hosting from the beginning,'s Earning would have increased to about 10 thousand rupees per month in the same 6 months because in July-2013 exactly one year later. com was generating income of about 10 thousand rupees per month. Therefore, there was also a loss of income that increased in these 6 months, which would have been equal to about 6 x 5 = 30 thousand.

In other words, because of Hosting Change, my website went back almost 1 year. That is, it took about 1 year to reach the online selling income that could reach in the next 6 months.

In this way, if you put it in simple words, then consider only a loss of 5 thousand rupees per month on average for 1 year], then a total of 12 x 5 = 60 thousand rupees was lost Directly and Indirectly due to your move from Blogger to your own host. Whereas if I had an idea before, that if I move from Blogger to my own host, I will incur a loss of 50 - 60 thousand Direct and Indirect, then I would not be lured by Rs 2500 / - per annum only but by my own web host Associating its domain with establishes its website.

So] if you too are thinking like me that Domain will write your purchase and host your website on Blogger or any other free web space as Hosting, then Rs 2500 / - by you today. Greed to be known, after some time you will also have to suffer thousands of rupees as Direct and Indirect losses.

So it makes sense to buy Hosting Space according to your needs from a good Hosting Provider, not falling in the circle of Free, otherwise like me you will be writing a similar story after some time and advising people that Do not get into a free hosting space like Blogger] otherwise you will have to suffer a lot of damage.

And when you can get a web domain of good quality by paying around Rs 600 / - annually and getting your own domain and paying around Rs 2500 / - per annum, then what is the point of getting free. Whereas by paying around Rs 2500 / - per annum, you can always avoid the problems, limitations and Direct / Indirect Losses that I have faced using Free Hosting like Blogger. I think this deal is not too expensive for you.

And if you buy your own domain and good quality hosting space for setting up your online business, with a simple investment of around Rs 3000 / - per year i.e. around Rs 250 / - per month, then I think any business Investment made to establish, is the lowest investment in the world. In this investment, even a tea bag cannot be placed on the street.

If you do not want to invest Rs 3000 / - to buy your own Domain + Hosting, then I think that any type of business online or offline is not your business and you have a day job i.e. 8AM to 5PM job. Should be found, because there is not even a single investment in a job, so there is no risk of any loss. However, there is no mental peace and financial satisfaction in the job and there is no way to move ahead without pulling anyone back.

But there is little risk in any business and that is why any business, whether online or offline, if done properly, will never fail because the fear of getting failed will make the businessman to work harder. Motivates, which is the key to success.

So if you want to make an effort to establish your online business with such a modest investment, welcome to the world of online business and I assure you that if you try to understand this business with patience , Then your investment will increase by hundreds of thousands of times.

Which web host I use for and why I chose this Hosting Provider, there is a sad story behind it, which I will tell in detail in my separate post so that you can also choose your Hosting Provider. Don't make the mistake that I did at the time, and this time my Direct / Indirect loss was many times more than before.