Photo album was made with human skin

Photo album was made with human skin! Hitler's dreadful face will make you creep

The Nazi regime or dictator Hitler's rule in Germany has been the subject of discussion all over the world for its brutality. Standing in front of the firing chamber of the gas chamber or people and killing people has been a disgusting face of this regime. During this regime, a number of such secret underground chambers have been unearthed, where prisoners were subjected to horrific tortures until they die. Not one, but many such proofs have been found so far.

One of the camps that Hitler built to kill his enemies was also in Buchenwald. A proof of the Nazis' brutality at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum in Poland is heart-wrenching. This is a photo album. This is not a typical album, but it is very special because its cover is made of human skin. It was discovered by a private collector of Poland.

He found this album in an old market. The collector was named Pavel Krejachekowski. He later handed it over to the museum. According to, he told local media that he smelled from this album. When he watched this album carefully, he came to know about its human skin. Even human hairs were visible on this skin. Tattoos made on this skin were also visible. It was revealed that this cover was done during the second world war. This information has once again exposed the brutality of Nazi dictator Hitler, which had attracted millions of people.

The album, made of human skin, has more than 100 photographs. This skin is mounted on a cardboard. All the photos posted in it are of postcard size. However, when he got the album he had a layer of dust on it. It is believed that this album was given as a reward to those who brutalized people. From there, the album reached the couple running a guest house and then to an old market. Today it is one of the few prized monuments kept in the museum, which shows the terrible face of the second world war. It is also said that this is not the only thing made by the Nazis from human skin, but they made purses from it.

Karol Konjani, who was a witness of this camp, says that he feels that this album is telling the whole story of that period itself. According to him, only one of the people who was put to death by firing squad could have this skin. Karol is one of the few lucky people who managed to escape from this camp. Let us tell you that the Nazis kept about 3 lakh people in their death camps, out of which 56 thousand people were saved.
