Shale Gas | my experiences

Construction of Shale and Shale Gas

What are Shale and Shale Gas?

  • Shales are finely granulated sedimentary rocks that are rich sources of petroleum and natural gas.
  • Shale gas is a natural gas trapped between shale rocks.
Shale Gas

Difference between normal natural gas and shale gas manufacturing

  • Normal natural gas deposited inside the earth slowly rises towards the surface of the earth. When approaching the surface of the earth, it is stored.
  • These gases come up through the porous rocks of the earth and without rising, the rocks without holes stop their path. In this way, this gas gets trapped at a particular place.
  • In contrast, shale gas is formed inside rocks rich in organic matter.

Method of production

  • Shale rocks are reached by horizontal mining to extract shale gas, or broken by hydraulic fracturing.
  • For hydraulic disintegration, millions of tons of water, small pieces of rock (proppant) and chemical additives are poured into holes within the rocks concerned.
  • Some shale rocks have small holes and the fluid poured into them does not come out easily. In such a situation, their reservoir is spread around the well rather than well. Horizontal drilling is used to extract gas from such rocks.


  • Shell oil is used as fuel. Simultaneously, it is refined by adding hydrogen to it and removing sulfur and nitrogen.
  • There are different types of impurities found in shell oil and traditional crude oil.
  • A catalytic system is adopted to clear shale gas.