Indus and Rigvedic civilization | my experiences

Difference between Indus civilization and Rigvedic civilization

Indus and Rigvedic civilization
Indus and Rigvedic civilization
  1. The Rigvedic civilization seems to be rural culture whereas the people of the Indus civilization were well acquainted with well-planned civilian life.
  2. Aryans were familiar with gold and silver in metals and there are definite references to the use of iron in the Yajurveda. People of Indus civilization used gold, silver, but they used silver more than gold. They knew how to manufacture various armaments and equipment of copper and bronze, but they were not familiar with iron.
  3. Horse was of great importance in the life of the Rigvedic Aryans. But there is no definite evidence in this matter that people of Indus civilization were familiar with horse.
  4. Vyagrah is not mentioned in Vedas and very little mention of elephant. But there is a sufficient amount of marking of both Vigdha and Elephant on the postures of Indus civilization.
  5. Arya used to manufacture various weapons. They knew how to make armor in defense measures, whereas certainly no defense related items were found by excavation of any site of Indus civilization.
  6. Arya used to give special respect to the cow. But postures and other art works in Indus civilization suggest that cow was not of special importance, bull was more important than cow.
  7. Arya was probably not a pagan. On the other hand people of Indus civilization were idolaters.
  8. With the availability of female idols in a large number from the sites of the Indus civilization, it appears that Mother Goddess had an important place among the Gods of the Indus civilization. Male deities have been more important in the Aryans. The importance of ladies is relatively less.
  9. The Marshal concluded that Yagnadi would not have been prevalent here due to non-discovery of the remains of firefighters in Mohenjodaro and Harappa. Whereas Yagnas have been very important in the religious life of Aryans.
  10. It is clear from the postures and other tools of the Indus civilization that people knew how to write, but some scholars have a belief about Aryans, but they did not know how to write but some scholars believe about Aryans that they did not know to write and studied- Teaching used verbally.
  11. The fortifications of the asuras are mentioned in the Rigveda and we know that all the major cities of the Indus civilization were in the fort.
  12. The non-Aryans have also been called flat-nose. Flattened nasals have also been shown in some Harappan sculptures. The nose of the Aryans was sharp.