Fourteen Point of Jinnah | Federalism and Provincial Autonomy - Representation of Minorities - Separate Electorates and Religious Liberty- 14 Point of Jinnah

14 Point of Jinnah:

The Fourteen Points were a set of demands made by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the leader of the All-India Muslim League, in 1929. These points outlined the political and constitutional rights that Jinnah believed were essential for the protection of the rights and interests of Muslims in British India. The Fourteen Points were presented in response to the Nehru Report, which was produced by the All Parties Conference but did not adequately address the concerns of Muslims. 

Federalism and Provincial Autonomy - Representation of Minorities - Separate Electorates and Religious Liberty- 14 Point of Jinnah

Here are the Fourteen Points of Jinnah:

1. Federalism: India should be a federation of autonomous provinces with residuary powers vested in the provinces.

2. Provincial Autonomy: The provinces should have maximum autonomy and be allowed to govern their internal affairs.

3. Representation of Minorities: Muslims should be adequately represented in all legislative bodies in proportion to their population.

4. Separate Electorates: Muslims should have separate electorates, as granted by the Government of India Act of 1919, and there should be no joint electorate.

5. Muslim Majority Provinces: Areas where Muslims were in a majority, such as Punjab, the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), Sind, and Baluchistan, should be given complete autonomy.

6. Religious Liberty: Muslims should be guaranteed freedom of religion and protection of their cultural, educational, religious, and social rights.

7. Sindh: The rights of the Muslims of Sindh should be safeguarded.

8. North-West Frontier Province (NWFP): The principles of self-determination should be applied to the NWFP.

9. Baluchistan: The rights of the Muslims of Baluchistan should be safeguarded.

10. Repeal of Black Laws: All repressive laws should be repealed.

11. Civil Services: Muslims should be given adequate representation in all services, especially in the Indian Civil Service (ICS).

12. Army: Muslims should be given an adequate share in the defense forces.

13. Separation of Sindh: If necessary, Sindh should be separated from the Bombay Presidency.

14. Constitutional Reforms: Constitutional reforms should be introduced to ensure the protection of Muslim rights and interests.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah's Fourteen Points reflected the concerns of the Muslim League and laid the groundwork for the demands that would later shape the creation of Pakistan in 1947. These points highlighted the need for constitutional safeguards to protect the rights of Muslims in a united India.