11 Demands by Gandhi | Non-Cooperation Movement - Salt March and Dandi Satyagraha - Education for All - 11 key demands made by Gandhi

11 Demands by Gandhi:

Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement, made several demands during his lifetime as part of his efforts to achieve social and political change in India. 

Some of the key demands made by Gandhi include:

1. Non-Cooperation Movement (1920-1922): 

Gandhi called for non-cooperation with British authorities, urging Indians to boycott British institutions, educational establishments, and government offices.

Non-Cooperation Movement - Salt March and Dandi Satyagraha - Education for All  - 11 key demands made by Gandhi

2. Salt March and Dandi Satyagraha (1930): 

Gandhi led the Salt March to protest the British monopoly on salt production and sales. He demanded the right to produce salt from the sea, symbolizing a broader call for civil disobedience against British salt laws.

3. Civil Disobedience Movement (1930-1934): 

Gandhi advocated the nonviolent violation of certain laws as a form of protest. This movement focused on nonviolent resistance to British colonial policies, including the refusal to pay taxes.

4. Quit India Movement (1942): 

Gandhi launched the Quit India Movement, demanding an end to British rule in India. The movement called for the immediate withdrawal of British forces and the establishment of an independent Indian government.

5. Religious Harmony and Communal Unity: 

Gandhi consistently emphasized the need for religious harmony and unity among different communities in India. He worked to bridge the gaps between Hindus and Muslims, promoting communal amity.

6. Harijan Welfare: 

Gandhi was a strong advocate for the welfare of the "Harijans" or untouchables (Dalits). He worked to eradicate untouchability and discrimination against this marginalized community.

7. Khilafat Movement (1919-1924): 

Gandhi supported the Khilafat Movement, which aimed to preserve the Ottoman Caliphate and protect the rights of Muslims. He saw it as a means of Hindu-Muslim unity against British rule.

8. Sarvodaya (Welfare of All): 

Gandhi's concept of Sarvodaya emphasized the welfare and upliftment of all sections of society, with a focus on economic and social equality.

9. Swadeshi Movement: 

Gandhi advocated for the promotion of indigenous industries and products. The Swadeshi Movement aimed to boycott foreign goods and promote the use of locally produced items.

10. Ahimsa (Non-Violence) and Satyagraha: 

Gandhi's fundamental demand was the practice of non-violence (ahimsa) and the use of satyagraha (nonviolent resistance) as a means of achieving social and political change.

11. Education for All: 

Gandhi stressed the importance of education for all, including the promotion of basic education in villages. He believed that education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of caste or economic status.

Gandhi's demands were rooted in his philosophy of non-violence, truth, and the pursuit of a just and equitable society. His leadership and advocacy played a pivotal role in India's struggle for independence.