Scheme for Adolescent Girls | Nutritional Support - Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) Supplements - Objectives and Implementation of Scheme for Adolescent Girls(SAG)

Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG)

The Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG) is a centrally sponsored scheme implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India. The scheme was launched in 2010 and aims to empower adolescent girls by improving their nutritional and health status, promoting awareness about health, hygiene, nutrition, and life skills, and providing them with vocational training to enhance their skills and employability. Here are the key components and objectives of the Scheme for Adolescent Girls:
What is Scheme for Adolescent Girls

Objectives of Scheme for Adolescent Girls:

1. Nutritional Support: To improve the nutritional status of out-of-school adolescent girls in the age group of 11 to 14 years by providing them with supplementary nutrition.

2. Health Check-ups: To provide health check-ups and referral services to ensure the overall health and well-being of adolescent girls.

3. Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) Supplements: To provide iron and folic acid supplements to prevent anemia and other nutritional deficiencies among adolescent girls.

4. Life Skills Education: To impart life skills education, including awareness about health, hygiene, nutrition, sanitation, self-defense, and decision-making, to help adolescent girls make informed choices and lead healthier lives.

5. Vocational Training: To provide vocational training and skill development opportunities to enhance the employability of adolescent girls, enabling them to generate income and become self-reliant.

Implementation of Scheme for Adolescent Girls:

Anganwadi Centers: The Scheme for Adolescent Girls is often implemented through Anganwadi Centers, which are rural child care centers in India. Adolescent girls visit these centers to receive various services under the scheme.

Training and Awareness Camps: Special camps and training sessions are organized to provide life skills education, health check-ups, and vocational training to adolescent girls.

Collaboration with NGOs: Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations are often involved in the implementation of the scheme, particularly in organizing awareness programs and skill development activities.

Financial Assistance: Financial assistance is provided to adolescent girls as part of the vocational training component to support them in learning skills and pursuing economic activities.

The Scheme for Adolescent Girls aims to empower young girls with knowledge, skills, and resources, enabling them to lead healthier and more independent lives. By focusing on nutrition, health, education, and vocational training, the scheme contributes to the holistic development of adolescent girls, preparing them for a better future.
