Biography of Zoroaster | Historical Context - Early Life and Prophetic Mission - Ethical Teachings and Spread of Zoroastrianism - Legacy of Zoroaster

Biography of Zoroaster:

Zoroaster (c. 1500–c. 1000 BCE):

Historical Context:

Zoroaster, also known as Zarathustra, is the prophet and founder of Zoroastrianism, one of the world's oldest monotheistic religions.
The exact dates of his birth and death are uncertain, with estimates placing his life around 1500–1000 BCE.

Historical Context - Early Life and Prophetic Mission - Ethical Teachings and Spread of Zoroastrianism - Legacy of Zoroaster
Biography Of Zoroaster

Early Life:

Zoroaster's birthplace is traditionally believed to be in ancient Persia (modern-day Iran).
According to legend, Zoroaster had a divine vision at the age of 30, leading to his calling as a prophet.

Zoroaster's Prophetic Mission:

Zoroaster's teachings emphasized the worship of Ahura Mazda, the supreme and uncreated deity in Zoroastrianism.
He preached a dualistic cosmology, positing a constant struggle between Ahura Mazda (the god of truth and order) and Angra Mainyu or Ahriman (the destructive spirit).

Sacred Texts:

The Gathas, a collection of hymns believed to be composed by Zoroaster himself, are central to Zoroastrian scripture.
The Avesta, the holy book of Zoroastrianism, contains the Gathas and other liturgical texts.

Ethical Teachings of Zoroaster:

Zoroaster's ethical teachings include the promotion of truth (asha) and the battle against falsehood (druj).
He introduced concepts such as individual judgment after death, heaven (Garothman) and hell (Duzakh), and the final judgment day (Frashokereti).

Spread of Zoroastrianism:

Zoroastrianism became the dominant religion of the Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty.
The religion faced challenges with the rise of other belief systems, especially during the Hellenistic and Islamic periods.

Legacy of Zoroaster:

Zoroaster's legacy is primarily religious, as his teachings laid the foundation for Zoroastrianism.
Despite the decline of Zoroastrianism as a major world religion, its influence can be traced in later monotheistic faiths.
Some aspects of Zoroastrianism, such as the belief in a final judgment and the dualistic struggle between good and evil, have parallels in other religious traditions.

Zoroaster's impact on religious thought, especially in the development of monotheistic concepts and ethical teachings, makes him a pivotal figure in the history of religious ideas.