Biography of Vladimir Nabokov | Early Life - Exile and Education - Literary and Academic Career - Later Life and Legacy of Vladimir Nabokov

Biography of Vladimir Nabokov:

Born: April 22, 1899, in Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire

Died: July 2, 1977, in Montreux, Switzerland

Early Life - Exile and Education - Literary and Academic Career - Later Life and Legacy of Vladimir Nabokov
Biography of Vladimir Nabokov

Early Life:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov was born into an aristocratic family.
His father, Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov, was a liberal politician, and the family fled Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.

Vladimir Nabokov's Exile and Education:

The Nabokov family settled in exile in various European cities before Vladimir attended Trinity College at the University of Cambridge.
Nabokov also studied at the University of Berlin and later pursued a career as a lepidopterist (butterfly expert).

Marriage and Immigration to the United States:

Nabokov married Véra Slonim in 1925, and they had one child, Dmitri.
The family emigrated to the United States in 1940, escaping the advancing Nazi occupation of France.

Literary Career of Vladimir Nabokov:

Nabokov wrote his early works in Russian but achieved international fame with his English novels.
"The Real Life of Sebastian Knight" (1941): His first English novel, published in the United States.
"Lolita" (1955): Nabokov's most famous work, controversial for its subject matter but praised for its linguistic and stylistic brilliance.
"Pale Fire" (1962): A complex and innovative work combining poetry and commentary.
"Ada, or Ardor" (1969): A novel exploring themes of incest and the nature of time.

Academic Career:

Nabokov taught Russian and European literature at Wellesley College and later at Cornell University.

Later Life and Legacy of Vladimir Nabokov:

Nabokov and his wife spent the last years of their lives in Montreux, Switzerland.
He continued to write, and his later works include "Transparent Things" (1972) and "Look at the Harlequins!" (1974).
Nabokov is remembered for his linguistic virtuosity, intricate narratives, and exploration of the complexities of human experience.


Vladimir Nabokov is considered one of the greatest novelists of the 20th century.
His works often involve intricate wordplay, narrative complexity, and a fascination with the nuances of language.
"Lolita" remains a highly influential and controversial work, examined for its exploration of morality, obsession, and the unreliable narrator.

Vladimir Nabokov's impact on literature extends beyond his inventive storytelling; his linguistic prowess and ability to navigate complex themes have solidified his place as a literary giant.