Biography of Socrates | Early Life and Philosophical Approach - Teaching Style and Socratic Irony - Legacy - Trial and Death of Socrates

Biography of Socrates:

Socrates (circa 469–399 BCE):

Early Life:

Socrates was born around 469 BCE in Athens, Greece. Much of his life and teachings are known through the accounts of his students, primarily Plato.
He did not leave any written records of his own, and his life is pieced together from the writings of his followers.

Early Life and Philosophical Approach - Teaching Style and Socratic Irony - Legacy - Trial and Death of Socrates
Biography of Socrates

Philosophical Approach:

Socrates is considered one of the founders of Western philosophy, particularly the Socratic method of inquiry, which involves a series of questions and answers to stimulate critical thinking.
He was known for his commitment to truth, virtue, and the pursuit of knowledge through dialogue and questioning.

Socrates's Teaching Style:

Socrates spent much of his time engaging in discussions with fellow Athenians in public spaces, such as the agora.
His teaching style involved asking probing questions to expose contradictions in his students' thoughts and to help them arrive at a deeper understanding.

Socratic Irony:

Socrates often claimed to lack knowledge, a stance known as Socratic irony. He would assert that he knew nothing, but through questioning others, he aimed to reveal their lack of understanding or inconsistencies in their beliefs.

Trial and Death of Socrates:

Socrates' teachings and methods attracted both admiration and criticism. His questioning of traditional beliefs and his association with young, influential Athenians led to distrust among the ruling elite.
In 399 BCE, he was brought to trial on charges of impiety (disrespecting the gods of the city) and corrupting the youth. Socrates was found guilty and sentenced to death.
Rather than recant his beliefs or flee into exile, Socrates chose to drink hemlock, a poison, as the means of execution. He died in 399 BCE.


Socrates did not write down his teachings, but his ideas and methods have been preserved through the writings of his students, particularly Plato.
The Socratic method remains a fundamental approach in education and philosophy.
Socrates' emphasis on critical thinking, virtue, and the pursuit of wisdom continues to influence philosophical thought and ethical inquiry.

Socrates' life and teachings laid the foundation for the philosophical traditions of ancient Greece and continue to be studied and admired for their impact on the development of Western philosophy.