Biography of Zakir Naik | my experiences

Biography of Zakir Naik

Biography of Zakir Naik
Biography of Zakir Naik
Zakir Naik is a controversial Islamic chieftain, considered to be a supporter of radical scholastic ideology. Zakir Nayak is the founder and president of the Islamic Research Foundation. It is also the founder of the Peace TV channel, which has been disputed for spreading radical ideology. Unlike many Islamic preachers, their lectures are in colloquial language, they give their lectures in English, not Urdu or Arabic, and they wear a suit and tie instead of traditional garments.

Prior to becoming a public speaker, he received training as a medical doctor. He also published booklet versions of lectures on Islam and comparative religion. Although he has publicly rejected communalism in Islam, by some he is considered as a campaigner of Salafi ideology, and, by some, as a fundamentalist Islamic campaigner of Vahavi ideology

Zakir Naik was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. He got primary education from Kishinchand Chellaram College and then completed medical studies from Topiwala National College and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital and from Mumbai University, he obtained a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) degree.

In 1991, he started working in the field of medicine and even then established the Islamic Research Foundation. Naik's wife Farhat Naik works in the Women's Department in the Islamic Research Foundation.

In 2006, Nike had said that he was inspired by Islamic preacher Ahmed Deedat after meeting in 1987. (Nike was sometimes labeled "Didt Plus", which he himself gave to Didth.)

Mumbai, Nike founded the Islamic International School and United Islamic Aid, whose main objective was to provide scholarships to the poor and needy Islamic youth. Along with that he was also the board of member and advisor of the iERA.

According to the website of the Islamic Research Foundation, Naik is "the idea behind the Peace TV Network and the driving force", Nike's channel "promotes the truth of human life, justice, morality, harmony and intelligence." is. According to the New York Times, in reference to an anonymous Indian journalist in 2012, the Indian government had also banned the Peace Channel, it was revealed that the Mumbai Police had barred them from organizing the conference for the past few years and Indians The SatyLife Provider also refused to broadcast their Channel Peace TV on television.

Dispute with Shia of Zakir Naik

Zakir Nayak's Shia Mufti, hearing the debate on TV, shows that he had fatwa from Deolaband, Jamaat-e-Islami, Ahle Hadis, etc. In those fatwas, he was given the answer that he can call the duo's words for Yajid, Someone has said that no one has forbidden, after seeing the fatwa, the hero says that he will admit to the Aliman who did not refuse, in their conversation also had to say that in the hadith The person who participated in the war, he is born, there is a testimony about Yajid that he was the commander in that war, that is, according to the sanctity of Hajoor, he has got the blessings of the people, namely Imam Gajali and Bukhari He also told Hafiz Askalani, who wrote Sharif's body that he was a Muslim, also said that when we pray for Muslims, then they are also part of it with everyone, They also said that they give full respect to Hazrat Hussain who thinks it bad to him, but at that time Yajid or the entire Muslim army at that time considered wrong to say bad and also said that according to the hadith, If you pray for the wrong person then he does not seem to be and if he is sending the damn man to death then he comes back. Therefore, those who send the curse need to gore that they are sending damn on the right or the wrong. , He also will find it difficult to say that Shia Hazrat I live some excuse Dundte to discredit While it if that avoided the Shia-Sunni Iktlafi things he would say something to answer the Shia Hazrat

Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) by Zakir Naik

Between studies Zakir Naik heard the speech of the Islamic preacher Sheikh Ahmed Dedat in 1987 in South Africa.

Didtat's speech was so impressed that after completing his studies he left the doctor, establishing the Islamic Research Foundation in 1991, started preaching the people to Islam.

The main objective of this institution was to tell the true meaning of Islam religion among non-Muslims.

So they went around the world and started gathering meetings in non-Muslims, giving speeches on Islam.

Soon it started to be discussed. In 1994, Didt also awarded the title of 'Didt Plus' to Naik.

With this, his organization started collecting zakat (charity, about 13.5 billion rupees per month) from around the world. Apart from this, his Islamic International School also runs in Manjgaon, Mumbai.

So far, Zakir has performed more than 2000 meetings in 30 countries including Australia, Wales, UK, Canada, Malaysia.

Due to speeches, Zakir Naik came close to the Wahabi-Salafi faction of the Saudi royalty. King of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdulaziz delivered Zakir in the King Faisal International Prize for Service of Islam in 2015.

After this he shifted from ancestral house to a flat in Majagaon.

In 2006, he started a Pesh TV from Dubai to telecast his lecture.

This TV channel received Rs 80 crore in cash from 2008 to 2015 and this channel was being broadcast in India without permission. Due to which it was banned in 2012. Still, news of its stealth telecasting continues.

Searches related to Biography of Zakir Naik

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