New species of humans found in Philippines

New species of humans found in Philippines

We have been so accustomed to being the only human species for the last 10 thousand years (Homo sapiens) that it seems difficult to imagine any other human species. In the beginning of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, human scientists and archaeologists changed our thinking and said that homo sapiens are actually only a kind of human species. Today, almost a million years ago, the earth used to be home to at least seven human species. And the rate of search in this direction is so fast that year-by-year human family tree (family tree) is adding new names. In this episode recently, archaeologists have succeeded in finding the remains of a separate and new species of humans in northern Philippines.
New species of humans found in Philippines
New species of humans found in Philippines
This recent finding has shown that at the time when the current human species, which was exposed to Homo sapiens from Africa and spreading in Southeast Asia, there was another species of humans present in the Philippines. Human scientists have found strong evidence of that species of humans in the Luzon Island of the Philippines. Its remains are found in the Luzon Island, hence the name of this species has been named Homo luzonesis. These distant relatives of man lived on this island of the Philippines approximately 50,000 to 67,000 years ago.

On April 10, this discovery has been revealed in the prestigious magazine Nature of Science. According to Nature Magazine, the remains of Homo luzonesis have been found in the Callao Cave in the north of Luzon. These relics belong to at least three people, with the remains of a young man. In the year 2007, 2011 and 2015, only seven teeth, six leg bones, arms, and leg bones were obtained from this cave. At that time it was not clear what is the bone of which human species. Now this human species is identified by the name Homo Luzonnesses.

 In the remaining residues of Homo luzonesis, the toes of the feet are folded inwards, which point to the fact that the climbing of trees may have been an extremely important task for them. On the basis of its small teeth, their short stature is also being claimed. Some of its features meet the existing human species, while many features like standing straight and walking etc. An early genus of apes resembles the Australopithecus which was found in East Africa about 20 to 40 million years ago. Therefore, it is being speculated that the human beings may be associated with Africa related to it, which would later have settled in South East Asia. It is worth mentioning that it was almost impossible to do this before the search. After this discovery, it is now believed that the development of human species in the Philippines and East Asia can be very complex because there are already three or more human species residing here. One of these was the tallest hobbit or homo fluorescensis whose house was - Flores Island of Indonesia. The length of this unique human species was more than one meter!

It is noteworthy that Homo luzonesis was living in East Asia when homo sapiens, homo neanderthals, denisons and homo fluorescence were present in different parts of the earth. So far scientists had believed that Homo erectus, the oldest species of humans, was seen to emerge from Africa and spread to different parts of the world and the rest of the human species are responsible for the gradual development of Homo erectus. This finding has now started to challenge the discovery of Homo luzonesis, which do not appear to be descendants of Homo erectus. It has been written about this discovery in Nature Magazine that this finding is proof that human development is not linear, that is as lenient as it is generally understood. Search also raises questions about how this species reached around Luzon Island surrounded by water. With which of these human descendants, they migrated from Africa? What were the reasons for the end of this species of humans from the Philippines? According to Matthew Touchery, human scientist at Lechhead University, "It is understandable that the progressive development of human beings in Asia was so complex and disturbing."

Who knows how Homo is waiting for the discovery of the other islands in the other islands in other lost climactic areas like Loosonnesis.
