Fake moon | China will be bright with fake moon

China will be bright with fake moon

From the time of the creation of the earth-moon, the sun shines through the rays of the sun and the moon is transforming it into coolness, the moonlight is spreading over the whole earth. There is nothing beautiful with the moon in the shining flame of the night, in the eternal sky filled with stars. That's why Moon has always been fascinating human imagination since the rise of civilization. Poets of almost all languages ​​of the world have made poetry in their own way on the moonlight form of the Moon full moon. Then why should not the ordinary man moon and his moonlight! But fake moon, it's a matter of surprise. Even though this thing sounds weird, but it is true. If the plan for China's artificial moon or man-made artificial moon is successful, then the moon will start shining in China's sky by 2020. This fake moon will spread its light on the streets of Chengdu city of China and then there will be no need of striatamp.
China will be bright with Fake moon
China will be bright with Fake moon
China is preparing for a major leap in space science through its innovative space plan. His program is scheduled to be launched by 2020. The private company, Chengdu Aerospace Science and Technology, Micro Electronics Systems Research Institute Corporation, has been working on this project for some years. According to China's newspaper People's Daily, this project is in its final phase. The China Daily newspaper has written with Chengfung, director of the Chengdu Aerospace Corporation, that China wants to reduce the current power consumption due to lights in roads and streets. There will be light in the 50 square kilometer area from the fake moon, which could save the cost of $ 173 million coming in electricity every year. Artificial Moon will also be a great help in black out situations in areas of crisis or crisis.

China wants to equalize America and Russia in its space program. For this, he has created many ambitious projects. Although China is fully engaged in trying to make a fake moon, the path to setting up a fake moon is not so easy. Maintaining a man-made moon in a precise place is a difficult task to light a particular part of the earth's sky. In the nineties, Russia and the United States have also failed to make artificial moons. Environmentalists have started raising the question on this Chinese project. They say that this project will have a negative impact on the environment. Due to sunlight and the artificial moon which spreads more light in the night, the lives of wild animals will be overcome. Their existence will be in danger. It will also have negative effects on tree plants. Apart from this, light pollution will also increase.

If China's first project succeeds, by the year 2022 China can set such three moons in its sky. The question is how will the fake moon work? According to Chengdu Aerospace officials, the fake moon will act like a mirror, which will reflect the sunlight and send it to Earth. This artificial moon will be similar to the moon of Hu-bhu-Hoonu, but its illumination is eight times more than the original natural moon. Imitation of light can also be controlled. It will be placed in the sky just 500 kilometers away from the Earth. Whereas the real moon is 3 lakh 80 thousand kilometers away from the earth. Future poets can also have trouble with such a moon who have compared the beloved face to thousands of years with the moonlight of the fourteenth moonlit moon. Then the reader-viewer's mind will remain apprehensive of this and the question will arise that instead of the real moon, there is no comparison compared to the fake!